Pregnancies and fighting

Start from the beginning

"Get ready Harry! Meet us downstairs. " I told him.

I jumped off his bed laughing and continued laughing until I reached Zayn's room.

I opened the door slowly to see Zayn fast asleep. Zayn is the hardest to wake up, I know this from experience.

I decided I should probably yell.

"ZAYN!" I yelled causing him to stir but stay sleeping.

"ZAYN WAKE UP THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" I yelled causing him to Jump up and look around.

I started laughing at his choice of boxers.

"Really Zayn, ninja turtles?" I asked pointing at his boxers

"Shut up." He replied. Zayn wiped his face with his hand then looked at me.

"Why am I awake? Zayn asked groggily with a frown on his face

"Well, it's time to work." I told him

"Wha-" Zayn began to ask but I cut him off

"Meet us downstairs, I'll explain and hurry." I told him running out of his room hitting Harry

"Ow, Harry." I told him rubbing my arm.

"Um.. No. Ow, Leanna would be more appropriate." Harry glared at me while rubbing his sore shoulder.

Yup I ran/ punched his shoulder. Not my best move.

Me and Harry walked down the steps together. He said a few horrible jokes which made me laugh.

Soon all the boys were gathered in the living room, confused and tired.

"Why are we awake?" Louis complained, glaring at Liam.

"Well, today we are working in the diner. You guys will be in the back, as cooks and Zayn as bus boy but he will have to put on this fake mustache, he is also a waiter. This isn't just any fake mustache though. This fake mustache adjusts to the face, making it look real and comfortable." I explained shoving the mustache on Zayn's face. Zayn looked like a complete different person.

"Woah. He does look different." Louis said reaching out to touch his face.

"Don't touch his face!" Liam yelled at Louis dragging his hand away

"It needs time to adjust." Liam explained.

"Wait so , diner?" Niall asked confused

"Leanna bought a diner." Harry told them

"And we are working in it." Harry continued.

"Ugh...ok."Niall said.

"Here let's turn the news on." Liam said

"In other local news, Leanna Vick and her new hu-" The tv clicked off. Harry holding the remote. I sent Harry a thank you, with my eyes. He saw it.

"Why'd you turn the tv off Harry?" Liam asked Harry glaring at him.

"Well, you said we shouldn't be watching stories about us on the news." Harry came up with a quick lie.

"That doesn't include Leanna." Liam said eyeing him suspiciously

"Oh well I'll just turn it back on." Harry said turning the tv on.

"In other news, One Direction: worlds biggest boyband. Has been officially called missing. We got word from three important people to three of the boys." The news lady said before the screen cut to a blonde girl that looked utterly sad.

"So, Perrie, any word from fiancé Zayn Malik?" The reporter asked

Fiancé? I feel horrible... I didn't even think about the boys personal lives..

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