Chapter 35

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Jasmine's POV

This is a bad idea.



How ironic, the girl with the biggest fear of needles is now part of a plan highly depending on someone puncturing her skin.


I need a miracle to get through this, like a unicorns are alive miracle.

"Jay, focus" Niall pinches me in the shoulder.

" DUDE, don't pinch me from now I'm freaked out as it is"

We're in the middle of freaking nowhere.


This place could give the Roanoke House in American Horror Story a run for it's money.

Old pine trees covered the area, an attempt to hide the house for sure.

Any passing car from here wouldn't notice it.

The house is three stories from what I could tell, however close up you could see an electric fence surrounding a huge area.

That's got to be at least four acres.

The road is full of dust ad if I needed another sign to tell me this is creepy.

"so you guys ready?" Patch says

Each one of us had an ear piece so that Quinn could help navigate the group through this house. He's staying in the car, parked not far from here. Apparently, he'll be able to find human radiation approaching us and tell us the way where they're keeping the guys.

We go in as five and hopefully come out as nine.

"Give us a second, please" Niall says, grabbing my arm, and taking me a bit further from the team.

" Jasmine, I need to know you're sure about doing this. I can go take another human, and you can help Quinn in the car. If Harry was here, he would've killed me for putting you in danger."

I place my hands on both his shoulders, and look into his eyes determinately.

I am a badass, and no one is going to stop me from saving my man.

If that means I'm taking a bit of a risk, then so what.

Harry is worth it, his care, his loving eyes, his annoyingly his stupid sense of humor are all worth it.

"Let's do this" I tell him. He still gives me worried eyes but I can't think about that or about myself.

There's too much at stake here.

"Come on, guys. Niall and I are set." I try giving them my most confident voice.

" Good luck Jasmine" Patch says, giving me an adorable smile.

I try to smile back as much as I can and then grab Niall's arm to head towards the front of the building.

" Give me the show of a lifetime, princess okay? I promise you this will only hurt a little and I'll cure as soon as we draw the guards out."

I gave him a reassuring smile.

Damn. This is happening.

We stood right in front of a seemingly broken window and a super old door.

" Hey, little huntersss. Guess what I have here? Fresh super delicious blood." Niall shouted in a teasing tone.

" You want me? I'm right here but unless you come out now the blood of this gorgeous innocent woman is going to be on your hands, people. You say you're all about saving lives? Cowards! I'm standing right in front of you and you criminals don't even care! SAVING LIVES, MY ASS!"

He shouts, while holding me by the back of my neck.

" Jasmine, you ready?" Niall whispers to me.

I nod.

and finally, I scream.

I scream like it's the end of the world.

I scream letting out all the agony I've felt these past couple of days.

I scream taking out every negative thought I had since the kidnapping.

I cry out for oceans and oceans.

Like there is no care in the world, like everything will be in pieces soon.

Somehow, having such strong fear helped me.

It turned into power.

No matter what happens now, it's not going to be worse than my imagination.

I don't think I even felt the actual bite, but I could feel the blood slowly pouring out of my body. I know Niall is resisting but he can't help it.

My award worthy breakdown was felt by the hunters, luckily. A man in a grey suit stepped out while holding up a gun.
" Leave her be, bloodsucker"

His voice was rough but it showed confidence not fear.

Soon, three other guards showed up behind him. Patch and Ashton were supposed to be standing near both sides of the building but I can tell the guards were still too far from them. Niall removed his fangs from my neck and I can feel the blood dripping from my neck

"Well, well, you birdies are finally out of your cage. Come closer, and I'll show you the real meaning of a bloodsucker."  Niall said in a voice I no longer recognize.

In a blink of an eye, one of the guards shot at him and Niall grabbed it, letting go of me.

I couldn't stop my legs from being freaking jelly and so I dropped to the ground.

and the bombs dropped too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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