1 - Learn The Alphabet PROPERLY

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Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brothers and sisters who are reading this. I hope this benefits you all In Sha Allah. Now let's get straight to the point, without further ado.

Number one: First of all, you should have the Arabic alphabet memorized. And find a good teacher to teach you. Finding a teacher who can pronounce all 26 (I believe) letters CORRECTLY is very difficult. A lot of people, especially messabs (if you're Bengali, you'll know what I mean) and local Imams, cannot pronounce the letters properly, let alone read them with accuracy. It's a very sad yet very common phenomenon that can be easily addressed, but nowadays, we are so lazy and have different things topping our priority lists. May Allah save us.

It will take a lot of time and effort to find a good teacher, and trust me, you need a teacher. Quran is not something you can teach yourself from scratch. You need an educated, experienced, knowledgeable person to guide you and help you and, most importantly, catch your mistakes when you don't and not let you go astray on this journey. If you can't find a local teacher, then you can look up online courses where they have actual, live Skype classes with the teacher.

I know of a program my dad told me about, which I am currently enrolled in to review my Quran post-Hifdh/post-memorization. You pick the time, how many times a week you want to have class, and they'll give you a teacher's contact. (This is all on Skype, by the way. Make sure it's a real account and not a fake one lol. I know no one's dumb enough to do this. But they take payments) It is lead by a blind Sheikh who has memorized the entire Quran, without sight. I have heard his recitation while he tested me one time, and Ma Sha Allah, it was very smooth, very eloquent and melodious, sounding beautiful to the ear SubhanAllah. If you're lucky, you'll get him lol. Or they'll give you another teacher, depending on your needs/wishes and why you're having the classes. Here is the link to their website:

A semi-Hafidh (@MahmoodLamb14 )'s tip: Learn where the sound of each letter comes from. (This is called Makhraj). If you read the letters wrong, people are gonna keep correcting you and you'll be annoyed. If you want to have a peaceful life (and not get any sin, I'll add), learn your darn letters. (Well, he said something along the lines of that. As some with a pretty good memory despite my ripe ol' age of 16, I'll say I think my reiteration is pretty accurate ^3^)

I'll sign off now. Goodbye guys (and girls). Assalamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

- 8/15/18 (minorly edited on 11/15/18)

How to Memorize the Holy Quran (With Tips From Fellow Hafizahs!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin