Narcissa looked over the shoulder of the girl as she comforted her at Lucius, she has heard the gossip about the darkest wizard since Grindelwald. She could believe she witnessing Lucius reaction; fear of the cold voice.

"What if I told you that I've known Lily since the day I meet her on the train at the start of my first year?" Narcissa said shakily as Lucius tried to compose himself again. "What if I told you could be something that the rest of Slytherin is not?."

"Bring me Lily Evans, you will not suffer any less than you should and I shall spare all you if you do what I want." The cold voice pierced air in the castle.

"I..I've got find her." Narcissa said as Lucius blocked her as she made a ran for it as she dodge him to get around him, he got in her way as she about hex him.

" How did the old fool allow this to happen and how the name of Merlin did they get into the castle? So the Evans girl is your friend." Lucius said after discovering her secret as she want find Lily.

"She and I whatever, Malfoy move out my way.'" The last apart of what she said to come out softer then she meant too. Lucius saw the fear and horror in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm going to find out more than I should do now?" Lucius said as he took her arm and sat on the nearest sofa. She sat there and told him everything about her friendship.

"What do you do you mean?" Lucius asked her after awhile

" We go to Dumbledore and swear to that we shall try to our own abilities to help protect the innocent in this dreadful time." Narcissa said in a voice she had never used before in front an one before Lucius looked at her as if she had grown another head.

"That's going against everything we've been brought up to believe. I might well be disinherited now by my parents. Lucius said as she stood up as climbed over the back of the sofa not thinking how unladylike Narcissa could be and she went against every one of Slytherin girls all silly girls who believed they would get a wealthy pure bloodied wizard to marry and never have to work.

"Think about it what world would you want your little sisters to grow up in?" Narcissa's said as she took a deep breath and walked to the common door which swung open as they left the common room t

"Arachne and Pandora." Lucius said as she disappeared back into the schools as the chaos shrouded around him. He wondered as he didn't see Corbin Yaxley walking into them as he went search for his sister.

Narcissa had found his most vulnerable spot his little sister, he was the doting older brother and was fiercely protective of his sister amongst the Slytherins and Arachne was a quiet shy girl had begun the first year.

Lucius had spent time mostly make sure she was not homesick and she worshipped everything her elder brother did around the school. The other seventh years all laughed and made fun of the fact his sister wanted his attention and thought he was the best thing ever.

Narcissa's heart sank as she saw the wild hair of her older sister, dancing amongst the fallen students. She could taste the bile from in her throat as she watched the display her sister was putting on as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Lucius had gone grey as he watched the death eaters.

" I suppose the championship going to cancelled now." Narcissa said trying to hide her disappointment as Lucius stood there watching her. There was a streak of blonde hair in fallen at Bellatrix's feet. Narcissa turned to see the gentle kinder side of Lucius die that moment as he stared at her older sister dancing gleefully amongst the bodies of the younger students.

There was more screaming as a third year had seen the dark mark over the courtyard, Dumbledore had flown into the main entrance as he ordered all perfect to escort the lower years to the dormitories. Lucius stood there shell-shocked as Professor Slughorn tried to get him to carry on with duties as perfect. As Narcissa saw in the corner of her eye; Lily was with a few other Gryffindors.

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