the 25th century is 8 years away

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That title was so random. BUT IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED,I will never finish Howlite's reference sheet because that's a lot of work. But I'm trying to decide on a name for a new oc,my new will probably be one of my sona's (So far I have 3,Lukudia,Ajita, and  Sirimiri,who I'm currently giving a makeover). 

Shut up,I know,it's cringy,but on the plus side I've never drawn a human or anthro,and it doesn't look;tooooooo bad

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Shut up,I know,it's cringy,but on the plus side I've never drawn a human or anthro,and it doesn't look;tooooooo bad. Why am I lying to myself. Everything is unsymmetrical and stuff.

Anyways,this is the characters anthro form. I'm yet to draw their feral form. But that's coming soon.

But now I'm trying to pick between the name Coquihalla and something else. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with something else because Coquihalla is kind of dark. For most of the maximum of 5 people who will view this chapter,in case you don't know,there is a highway in canada named the Coquihalla pass,it cuts through high mountains and has steep hills,combined with the fact that it is usually icy in the winter,and when it's not winter,rains usually cause landslides and rock slides,accidents are uncommon. I believe this is how it is,but I know I'm probably wrong because I get my information from tv shows and google and I live in new york. But the reason why I would pick Coquihalla as a name is cringy and sounds like something out a tv show so i'm not going to say it,but it has something to do with my mom.

Penitente out!-

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