Rebekah sighs and looks at April confused "what are you doing?" she says as I sit on the table behind them, April looks up at Rebekah "oh, you asked me to take notes." she states and I laugh loudly "that's the best laugh I've had in a while "I wasn't being literal, darling. but now that you mention it, a flow chart would be nice, which means index cards and push pins. go fetch."

Stefan smirks at her "you're wasting your time. we don't know anything." I laugh

"my turn, Rebekah. take a seat ." she complies as I start "so you just gave up? I thought you'd do anything to save Elena."

"Even if it meant taking the cure yourself. so you could grow old and die together with her." Rebekah adds

Stefan looks down and Elena looks at him shocked "Why do you look so surprised? We're missing something? what is it?" I said looking at them as Elena and Stefan looked uncomfortable.

Caroline glares at us "They broke up, ok? now let us go."

Rebekah smiles at me "Broke up?" I laugh bitterly " wait. we're confused. we thought Elena was your epic love, Stefan."Rebekah says sitting in between Elena and Caroline.

"I asked you what happened, and you have to tell me." Rebekah says glaring at him

"she slept with Damon." I laugh "I knew this would happen."  I say as Elena looks to Stefan shocked and glares at Caroline "oh, fix your face Elena you brought this upon yourself, when you slept with him in the first place." she glares at me but lowers into her seat.

I step out of the room when I hear my phone ring only to see Kol's name and I hit ignore immediately and go down the hall into the cafeteria, my thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing again "Kol"

I answer the phone


"darling, how are you?" I scoff  "like you care." I say rolling my eyes

"Actually I do care." I scoff once again "If you cared you wouldn't have left." I say in a whisper

"I-I know that was wrong--" I scoff "if you want to have this conversation it has to be face to face Kol."  I say interrupting him "not a problem, darling." I smile slightly and hang up the phone

I walk back into the library and lay across the table as I hear the door open I yell out "I'M SO BORED!" I hear a chuckle I know all too well and I freeze "sister..." I hear his voice and I automatically want to cry "look at this, you're even worse than Klaus." I stay in my place before getting up off the table avoiding the looks I'm receiving from Kol and Rebekah "Kol. finally. Did you bring what I asked for?"

I walk next to Rebekah and she rubs my arms and says "it's ok." Kol comes back in and shaves a man with dark hair inside of the room and I automatically get bad vibes from him, he looks around the room scared and  I walk past him next to Kol , Kol looks down to me and in that moment I knew what I needed to know.

"you must be Shane." Rebekah says smiling "well, lets go. we need some answers and we are not going to be babysat by you lot." I say and grab Kol's hand before leading us to a supply closet.

"Kol... and Rebekah Mikaelson two members of The Original Family..." I scoffed "what am I, invisible?" Shane looks at me with fear in his eyes "K-Kira Dawson" I smirk "that's more like it."

Shane visibly gulps "this is such a trip."

Kol and I look at each other smirking before looking back to Shane, Rebekah walks closer to him "where's the cure?" she tries to compel him

"compulsion won't work. it's a little trick I picked up in Tibet." he says smirking at us

Rebekah frowns " right. Well, we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way. beat him until he tells you where to find it." She says about to walk away but looks to me "you coming?" I shake my head "no, I'll stay." she smirks and leaves.

Kol smirks at me lovingly, then walks closer to Shane and looks him up and down. I smirk at him as he walks to me saying "we'll talk after this, darling." I nod smirking up at him and nodding towards the sink filled with water he looks at it confused before it clicks and he smirks at me.

he's been dunking his head in and out of the water for the past 10 minutes "WHERE IS THE CURE?" he yells at Shane "where is the cure?" he says now calmly , Rebekah walks back into the room frowning but just looks at Kol who's dunking Shane's head into the water.

Shane is trying to catch his breath but Kol dunks his head back into the water

"you're human. why do you want it anyway?"

"that's the beauty of it. you can have it. I just want Silas."

I growled "No." Kol looks at me shocked "my late cousin Quetsiyah locked him where he is for a reason." Kol looks at me in admiration before dunking his head back into the water growling. "what do you know about Silas?" he says grabbing him by his jacket "he's the world's first immortal being,  who just so happened to be imprisoned with the cure. and I want to free him." I sigh "you shouldn't have said that." I state standing next to Rebekah "NO!" Kol says dunking his head in the water trying to drown him "STOP!" Rebekah says trying to pull Kol off of Shane.

"He's of no use dead." Rebekah says "did you not hear what he said. Silas will kill us all, sister." "Silas does not exist. He is a fairy tale. made up to scare children into eating their vegetables."

"Silas is very real" Shane says breathlessly " I know where he's buried, and soon I'll have the spell that wakes him."

I roll my eyes "you must have a death wish" I state

"wait a second. you're lying. you can't get to him--"

"without his tombstone?" Shane says interrupting Kol, I gulp scared for Shane's life.

"dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? believe me, I know" I look to Kol and see the murderous glare he's giving Shane. "I've done it. those massacres are a pain to engineer." I scoff "not really."

"you're the one who got the council blown up." Rebekah says glaring at him "it was a noble sacrifice... and temporary because once I raise Silas... Silas will raise the dead, he will bring back every last soul...who died on his behalf."he says, I look over to see Kol grabbing a metal pole and I smirk at him and take it out of his hand and stand back.

"NO!" Kol yells before I speed to him stabbing him in the heart with the pole he gasps and then falls to the ground dead.

I smirk over at Kol and Rebekah "well, that's that. Anyone hungry?" Kol smirks at me, Rebekah glares at me "you should be thanking me." she glares at me again " you killed my only chance at finding the cure." I roll my eyes and look to Kol who's glaring at his sister and standing in front of me protectively "Silas on the loose would be hell on earth, and frankly sister..." he says pulling out a white oak stake "Kol..." I say in a warning tone "I don't think you could handle it." he finished saying.

"How did you get that?" she says looking scared "way too easily" he says grabbing my hand and leading me out of the school and to my house. I sigh as the cold breeze hits me and I shiver rubbing my arms. Kol notices and takes his jacket off and putting it around my arms and I get out my key and open the door, before walking in with Kol following.

Kol takes in my outfit "Bloody Hell, were you wearing that this whole time?" I laugh at him "yes I was." he frowns "I can see your bloody nipples" I laugh and shrug going into the kitchen before going in the fridge cutting up some fruit to make a fruit salad and after I'm finished I walk out into my living room to see Kol sitting in the chair as I sat across from him eating my fruit and he was watching me.

"what?" he shakes his head "I just missed you." I nod at him before I finished eating and putting my bowl to the side and looking at him seriously "I-I love you too is what I meant to say the day you left."
So I might not be able to update again until tomorrow y'all 😭 but I'm currently writing chapter 10.

F A T E 爱 Kol Mikaelson {SHORT STORY} {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now