Special Chapter ;)

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After the short introduction, Lisa went to a room next to Jennie's to unpack her things. Meanwhile, the three were left in the living room.

"Her name is kind of familiar don't you think?" Rosé said.

"Yeah, I think so too. I think I've heard that name before." Jisoo said and she turned to Jennie who was smiling like an idiot. "What's with the smile?" She asked as she nudged Jennie.

"Nothing. I'm going to wash my face first." Jennie said and went to the bathroom. She leaned on the door as she closed it and she smiled again.

Was it really Lisa? If it was really her, she looked fine as she expected her to be. It's been a month since Lisa said goodbye to her. She misses her more and more each day but even though Lisa was already in their dorm, living with them, she still had to know if it was really her. But how? Just when Jennie stepped out of the bathroom, she saw Lisa walking from her room with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Um, guys? I'm going to head out to buy some things. I'll be back later." Lisa announced.

"Okay, take care." Rosé said and gave a small wave to Lisa.

Jennie watched Lisa put her shoes on and went out the door.

"Jennie?" Rosé called and Jennie turned her head to her.


"Do you remember the ghost named Lisa?" Rosé asked and Jennie went to sit across her at their small dining table. "I know you told us not to talk about it anymore but where is she now anyway?"

"She returned home." Jennie softly said as she sighed. "Actually, I found out she's not really a ghost. She's just lost and she's looking for her body, her home."

"So she's still alive then? What happened to her?"

"She was in an accident but I guess she's doing well now."

"This might be stupid and I know you're going to tell me there's a lot of names like hers but don't you think it's her?"

"I don't want to assume just yet but I think it's her, her voice is familiar and she did tell me before that she's taller than me and this Lisa that just arrived is taller than me. I don't think this is a coincidence anymore."

"Do you think she can still remember you?" Rosé asked and Jennie shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe not? I mean, if she still remembers me then she wouldn't treat me differently. And if she remembers me then she should remember you and Jisoo as well." Jennie sighed as she felt the same sadness she felt when she found out what happened to Lisa before.

"Well, if it happens to be the same Lisa that we knew then I think this is a fresh start to know her better, right?" Rosé sadly smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Jennie smiled.

Nightfall had come but Lisa hasn't back yet. The three were already getting worried, especially Jennie. Jennie presented herself to look for Lisa. She didn't know where to start looking for her but her feet lead her to the park. There weren't a lot of people there and she saw someone sitting on a bench. She walked towards the person and secretly glanced to see if it was Lisa. She internally sighed in relief when she finally found her. 

"Lisa?" Jennie called and Lisa turned her head attentively to her and wore a smile.

"Oh, hey."

"Do you mind...?" Jennie asked as she gestured on the bench.

"Oh, no." Lisa scooted over to give Jennie some space for her to sit.

"What are you doing here? We thought you got lost or something." Jennie lightheartedly chuckled.

"I sat here for a while to make myself familiarized." Lisa said and Jennie just nodded. "So, Jennie, right?"

"Yeah." Jennie said and she stole a glance at her. She took a deep breath before asking the question that's been on her mind since she saw her. "Um, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure." Lisa said as she looked at her.

"Do you happen to be...the one who was in an accident...two months ago?" Jennie carefully asked.

"Oh." Lisa chuckled. "Yeah. Am I famous now or something?" Lisa joked.

"Not really, I just heard." Jennie chuckled.

"Same difference." Lisa giggled.

"I'm glad you're doing well." Jennie smiled.

"Thank you." Lisa smiled back. "I heard you have bad allergies. How bad is it?"

"You might not believe me if I tell you the cause of my allergy." Jennie chuckled.

"Try me."

"I have ghost allergy."

"What?" Lisa laughed. "Are you serious?"

"I knew it, you'd laugh." Jennie smiled. "But yeah, I'm serious. Whenever there are ghosts around me I'd feel cold and then I wouldn't stop sneezing until I'd met a ghost. Well, not literally. I can't see them but I can hear and feel them. This ghost was begging for my help, she told me to help her find her way back home. I didn't have a choice really, I mean I'm the only one that could help her and so I did. We started from nothing since she didn't know anything about herself except for her name and the need to come back to her home."

"Where is she now?" Lisa asked and Jennie looked away to hide her sadness.

"You really can't remember me huh." Jennie thought and sighed. "Well, I guess she found her way back. I haven't heard from her for a month."

"How did she come back to her home?" Lisa grew curious.

"She faded away, at least that's how she described it." Jennie halfheartedly chuckled. "I discovered that day that she wasn't dead yet. Her soul was just lost. After I told her how she almost died, she began fading. It's like the key to her home was that. But she told me something that I won't forget. She told me whether if she comes back to her body or not, she will not forget me and if she did then she'll find me."

Lisa furrowed her brow and thought for a second. Jennie noticed Lisa's silence so she glanced at her.

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked.

"So it wasn't a dream then, it did happen." Lisa said.

"What?" Jennie asked in confusion and Lisa looked at her.

"This all makes sense now." Lisa chuckled. "That's why this place is so familiar, I've been here. And the dorm, Chaeyoung and Jisoo." She looked at Jennie's eyes. "And you."

Jennie didn't know how to react. She didn't know if she should smile or cry, or maybe both. Was Lisa remembering already?

"Jennie." Lisa smiled but her eyes were watery. "Are you real? Aren't I dreaming?"

Jennie giggled and a tear escaped her eye as she shook her head and reached for Lisa's hand. "No. Definitely not. I'm real. You're real. We both are."

"I found you."

"You did."

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