II · Serpent Tattoos and Pretty Green Eyes

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Recommended song:
American Love - Scotty Sire ft; some other dudes ion know

I QUICKLY JOLT UP FROM A BED due to a piercing headache. I look around and I immediately notice this wasn't my room. The room was messy, there was multiple clothes, glass shards, and papers on the floor.

Although I didn't enjoy my surroundings, I sure was happy they didn't leave me in the whyte worm, alone.

I assumed Toni helped me to her house, even though we don't know each other, she seemed trustworthy.

I place a foot on the floor, loud creeks come out, I wince at the sound and quickly tip toe around the house.

"Look who's awake," I hear a voice say, a male voice, definitely not Toni, my heart skips a beat and I quickly turn around.

It was the same boy from last night, the one with pretty green eyes.

I look to the floor, "oh- hey," I awkwardly say.

"W- we didn't do anything stupid did we?" I mumble, but it was loud enough for him to hear.

He lets out a chuckle. "We? No. You? Definitely yes," he points to my arm, "you also stripped in front a bunch of men."

I look to my arm, I see a green snake tattoo, it took me by surprise- out of all things, I wasn't expecting this. Suddenly, I feel something going up my throat, before I could run to the bathroom, I throw up last nights drinks, my face flushes red.

I step back, horrified, "oh my god, I- I'm so sorry," I stop for a moment, I didn't know his name, "Jughead," he completes my sentence for me, "c-can I use the bathroom?"

His face softens a little, "don't worry, it's okay, the bathroom is over there," he points to a door. I quickly squirm over to it, accidentally slamming the door.

I look in the mirror, I looked like a mess. I was still in my clothes from last night and now I had gotten puke all over it. I poke my head out of the bathroom door, "do you have any spare clothes I could use?" I hesitantly say.

He nods and walks away to get something, after a while, he hands me sweatpants and a shirt with the letter s on it.

I take a quick shower and then wear the cloth he had given me, I let my hair fall on my shoulders as I had a killer headache.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Jughead sitting on the couch, I look to the place where I 'let out' it was all cleaned up, thank god.

He smirks, "you look much better now, you know, when you don't look like a killer homeless person." I roll my eyes, "very funny."

"Mind if I sit next to you?" He shakes his head, I walk over to the couch to sit next to him. I cross my legs on the couch.

"W-what happened last night?" I inquire, it seemed as if I was about to vomit again.

He shrugs, "I wasn't there to see it, but it seems as if you were crazy drunk and decided to become a serpent."

I roll my eyes, "no really, sherlock."

"Hey, you asked, I answered." He says, putting his hands up, as if he was guilty.

I cup my face with my hands, "this tattoo is permanent right?" That was a stupid question, of course it was.

"Yeah, that's kinda the purpose of tattoos." He wasn't helping at all.

"Does this mean I'm a serpent now?" I say, hoping the answer is no.

He shakes his head, "you haven't done the ceremony." I let out a sigh of relief, at least I wasn't one of them.

I groan, "how am I going to explain this all to my parents?"

"Simple;" he says, "you don't."

I look at him in a weird way, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Please," he scoffs, "you're Betty Cooper, the perfect northsider, imagine your mom seeing a serpent tattoo on your arm."

Even though I didn't want him to be right, he really was, he was right about all of this. My mom would absolutely freak out if I told her, she would literally chase me with an axe if I told her.

"You're right," I say, "what do I do now?" I groan.

"You should probably go back to the whyte worm and get your car," he says, I nod. I get up before realizing that I didn't have any way of getting there.

I feel guilty for asking him this, as he has already done enough for me, "could you, uh, take me there."

He smiles, "sure, I'll just drive you there with my non-existent car." Disbelief washes all over my face.

I can't believe I'm going to ask him this.

"Don't you have a motorcycle or something?" I ask.

"Woah, the northside princess asking to ride a serpents motorcycle? Thats a first," he smirks.

I roll my eyes, "whatever, just drive me there." He gets up from the couch and I follow shortly behind.

Did I think this through, no. Could he potentially kill me while I ride his motorcycle, yes. At least if I died I wouldn't have to admit the serpent tattoo to my mom.

I realize I stopped for a while before walking outside, and when I reached outside, I saw him sitting on the motorcycle, smirking.

"Scared, blondie?" He snickers.

I roll my eyes, "yes," I mumble, but it was hardly audible enough for him to  hear.

I slowly get on the motorcycle, he hands me a helmet, I give him a fake smile before buckling it on.

"You might want to hold on," he says, I put my arms around his hips, "tight," I squeeze him as much as I could. "Okay," he wheezes, "not that tight." I loosen my arms a little bit.

I breathe out, "j- just tell me when you're going to go, so I can-" before I can continue, he starts the motorcycle, "now," he shouts.

He was going extremely fast, the air blew my hair back, I felt extremely unsafe, I clutch onto him harder, so hard I could feel his breathing patterns.

"Calm down, princess, you're not going to die," he chuckles.

Heat rises to my cheeks, "not like I think I am," I lie. I know he could tell I was lying, I was eternally thankful that he hasn't brought it up again after.

We have arrived in the whyte worm and flashbacks from last night hit me again.

I get off the motorcycle, "thank you, Jughead, for everything," I say as unlock my car.

"Anytime, princess," he winks.


Author's Note

thoughts on this chapter? thank you for reading, ily

love you always 💖

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