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Hyungwon's POV

*door slam

I flinched as I heard the loud noise of a door slamming, causing me to immediately look up. There was a boy from probably around my age ,he did looked shorter then me.

I quit staring as I noticed the boy coming over to me, and immediately I felt the cold air surrounding him,It felt odd.
"One americano" the boy said as he looked at me, he looked annoyed yet sad for some reason.

"That's 3,45" I said as I took note of the coffee to hand it to my co-worker. He quickly paid and went over to a seat close to the window.
Something was special about this boy, I couldn't look away from him for some reason.

After a minute my co-worker finished the coffee and I brought it to the boy. He quickly thanked me not giving me the chance to speak so I decided to just go back.

As I helped the other customers I couldn't help staring at the boy. His hair was a pinkish color and his skin was pale white.

I decided to go up to him once again after I was done with work which was pretty soon after. "Hey are you okay?" I asked the boy as he looked up from his phone. "Why do you care?" He replied coldly sending a shiver down my spine. "Because I feel like you're special for some reason" I replied.

"that sounded dumb...enjoy you're drink " I said as I walked away, until I felt my arm being grabbed. I turned around at the boy who's expression changed more to a worried one than a annoyed one.

"Can I talk to you after you're done with work?" He asked as he looked me in the eyes.
"I'm actually done already, I just wanted to check up on you" I said as I sat down at the table.

The boy sighed deeply, he seemed to get a bit nervous as well, it was nice seeing a softer side of him. Especially in this cafe. "I walked away from my..." I looked at him a bit confused. "Owner" he whispered. And then it all clicked in my mind.

In this world we have a thing called hybrids,they are basically creatures who have a human yet animal side. Hybrids are usually brought to shops until they get sold. Mostly they get sold to people who are lonely, who need assistance or want them as a sex toy.

Hybrids can hide their animal features but it makes them really tired and angry so they don't do it often, as for the boy in front of me he was hiding them right now.

I wasn't surprised he ran away, most hybrids do because of the awful things they go through.

"Do you have a home right now?" I asked the boy in front of me who looked a bit ashamed of himself. "No..." he replied as he took a sip of his coffee making me wonder if he stole the money he used for his drink.

"Do you want to stay with me? I won't hurt you." I said. The boy chocked on his coffee because he laughed at my proposal. "Was it that funny?" I asked as I enjoyed the sight of him smiling. "My last owner told me the same and used me as his sex toy after" he replied as he kept a pained smile on his face.

Immediately my smile disappeared as I felt the pain on the boys face, I felt bad for him.
"What do I need to do to gain your trust?" I asked as I scanned the boy up and down.

"There is no such thing as trust" the boy replied as he finished his coffee.
"If your offer still stands I'll go with you, I'd rather have something to sleep under tonight."

"But don't try anything" he quickly added after.
I chuckled, "okay ,then follow me" I said as I stood up from my chair. The boy did the same and together we went outside the cafe.

It was already a bit later that day and the temperature was lowering. I looked at the boy who was hugging himself because of the cold weather. "Wait" I said causing the boy to stop walking. "What?" He said a little annoyed because it was cold ,and standing still it felt even colder.

I quickly took of my jacket and signed the boy to come to me. Hesitant he stepped closer to me ,close enough for me to swiftly put my jacket on his shoulders. I adjusted it a bit to make it comfortable for the boy as I felt his eyes scan my face. I looked at him as I was done adjusting, still holding the big jacket by its collar.

His cheeks and his nose were a light shade of pink which colored beautifully on his pale skin.
His lips were parted and a bit swollen as warm air was coming from them leaving small clouds of steam. His lashes were long and straight and his hair was messy and a bit curly.

We looked at each other intimately as we both stood frozen. Just then snow started falling. We both looked up at the sky seeing the big dark gray clouds that covered it completely leaving no signs of blue. I looked back at the boy and saw he was still cold.

"Damn" I whispered to myself as I also decided to take of my scarf. I was freezing now but I was glad the boy was a little less cold.

"What's you're name?" I asked the boy as I adjusted the scarf, I couldn't hide the shakes in my voice because of the cold. The boy looked at me with big eyes staring into mine. "K-Kihyun..." He told me as he nuzzled his head into the scarf.
"Why are you doing this for me?" He asked as he looked to the ground.

"We're all equal so why shouldn't I?" I asked but I wasn't waiting for a answer, instead I grabbed his hand and started sprinting home because of the cold.

He was so beautiful

1034 words

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