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Luna's Pov

We've been walking for hours, well the boys have. Us girls are on their backs. I felt kind of bad, but whenever I get off Zane just throws me over his shoulder until I agree to stay on his back.
I wasn't very happy with it, because nature is friggen beautiful! Plus the trail we're on is really good.

After another hour we finally made it to the bridge near the creepy house. When we arrived I just sat in Zane's lap and wouldn't get up. I mean neither would he, but whatever. Travis and Garroth set up the tents a girl and a boy. I went into the girl one and put my stuff down, pulling my woolly coat further over my body. I went and sat down in Zane's lap again. They started telling each other scary stories and I just cling to poor Zane for life, I mean Aphmau is super creepy!
Then I go sit on Kaitlyn and fall asleep, I hear them continue the stories while I slowly drift off to a land of dreams.

I'm sooo super sorry. My friends have so many problems that I have to fix. Plus I'm always right but they never listen. Also school is way to stressful. It'll kill you if you do anything. Anyway I'm sorry that this is short and I'm sorry it's taken so long, but I have no excuse except that I'm writing a new book, well 2 new ones. And I want you guys to follow the best person ever FloweredOwl23  and make sure you go read her books, she's a super talented writer and is one of the greatest people you'll ever meet! So yeah go follow FloweredOwl23  if you get her to 100
Followers and 600 reads on her story, 'Old to New' I'll update faster and make sure that the chapters are detailed and long. So one last time go follow FloweredOwl23  and yeah. HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER MY LITTLE WOLF PUPS!

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