Emily knows best

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Emily's pov

I heard light but many foot steps as I saw the door open in front of me and before I knew it I was on the floor with my little baby sister's light body ponce on top of my way taller one. She was giggling and squeezing me just like old times good old times i thought. i smiled and lifted her off the top of my body meaning i was  able to in a very short period of time. She blushed a little. i suddenly perked  up my ears i heard a bush russell apparently Luna heard it to as she started to carefully walk around the outside of her house, with me following close behind. She stopped right at a bush front of her and i stopped also. We listened closely to what the voices were saying, " uuuuuhhhggggggg, you said she would come right back!" whined an unfamiliar voice " BE QUIET OR SHE MIGHT HEAR YOU!" another unidentified voice said " now it will be both of us heard" the first voice murmured i looked over at Luna who looked horrified and terrified at the same time as being shocked, she looked at me and signalled for me to follow her to the front of the house, i did. " Who are they Luna and why are they hiding in the bushes at the back of your house!?" i questioned she just looked at me and said " look Emi i need you to do something for me, its very important" i looked at her questionably nodding her to go on. "Ok, so i need you to go round to the side of the house where the boys are, then say " oh yes isn't my little sister the greatest? She's just so lonely and needs a strong male figure in her life" then when they agree with you pick them up by their shirt collars and bring them in here" "then what exactly will you be doing little sister of mine?" " I will go inside because as you know they thought i was coming right back" i nodded and she went inside. i when around the side of the house and when in the bushes that i knew the boys were in. I crept up behind them and said "oh yes isn't my little sister the greatest? She's just so lonely and needs a strong male figure in her life." When i first started talking the totally tensed up then as i when onto heading a quote unquote strong male figure in her life they so got into the mood then simultaneously they both said "I could be that strong male figure in her life" each earning a glare from the other and a giggle from me. Then i remembered what Luna said so i picked both boys up by the collar of their shirts not letting either of their feet touch the ground. i went inside and Luna was BLUSHING meaning she knew them. i smirked "so you two like my sister?" Luna looked at them and went super red and gave me a death glare which looked more like a cute stare. i giggled, i saw the boys staring at Luna blushing, "you do know it was because we saw you two looking into MY BABY SISTERS HOUSE IN A BUSH IN HER BACKYARD!!!!!!! What do i say Hey Luna i saw some really creepy boys STARING AT YOU THROUGH YOUR WINDOW!!!!!!!!"

Luna's pov

I knew this was going to happen Emily finally broke and went all overprotective of me. i flushed red, Emily was supposed to be the cool NOT overprotective older sibling. " ummmmmm Emi..." " " Luna whats wrong? are they creeping you out? Ill send them away...."" Emi, your supposed to be the cool, fun older sister, not Jamie." i stated arms crossed looking like a child. Over Emily's shoulder i saw the boys snicker then stare at me in aww causing me to blush causing them to blush. I walked away from Emily leaving her mumbling "I'm not like Jamie..." I walked over to the boys and asked if they where ok, the only thing they said was "aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"staring at me blushing making my already red face go super red. Suddenly there was a knock at my door, i left the boys on the floor staring at me, while Emi was on the phone probably to Jamie i thought. I opened the door and suddenly Lucinda ran inside asking "Are Laurence and Garroth here? i did a teleporting spell and..." she saw the two boys on the floor blushing at me. She gave them the death glare then looked back at me only to realise i was also blushing, she was about to speak but i cut her off " Emi is in the kitchen ask her." i pointed toward the kitchen. After a small while Lucinda came out from the kitchen scolded the boys then grabbed them by the ears dragging them away. Emily went outside smiling at Lucinda as she walked away. "Well my little LuLu, lets start our super fun sister day i have to make sure Jamie doesn't win this time he took you to a animal daycare where you played with every pet ever." i smiled at the thought of that big brother day. "See i mention that day and all of a sudden your smiling!!!!!!!!" i giggle. "Well Emi if your day is going to be better than Jamie's than i would take me somewhere and not make me stand around at home!!" i said smugly. Before i knew it we were headed to the mall.

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