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zach's pov

how odd. i finally know what sophie looks like. the one thing that i wanted to know the most. she is gorgeous. absolutely stunning. my heart might've stopped when i first realized it was her.

if she didn't text me the story of our little run in, i would still be searching. yes, i was searching. on instagram. on twitter. everything. i got no answers.

during the run in, i found out something.

"oh hey sophie", those words came out of corbyn's mouth. that made it even more official that it was actually her. i was shocked, but i tried not to show it. but wait, how does he know her?

"oh, christina and sophie are basically best friends now", that was the only explanation i got. i guess i'll have to talk to her whenever she stops by later. she's the only one who will tell me.

later that day..

christina is here. and by here, i mean corbyn and i's hotel room. we finished the meet and greet so we came back here to freshen up. i have an hour to talk to her. hopefully mr. protective boyfriend will allow me to.

"christina, can we talk?", i ask noticing corbyn fell asleep. doesn't surprise me. she nods and we walk out to the balcony.

here is when christina found out how i know sophie but sophie really doesn't know me. i also found out everything that happened last night. damn, i feel bad.

"she is also coming to the show tonight with me. maybe you can talk to her before the show."

let me tell you, i took more time getting ready than ever before. i wanted to make sure i looked my best.

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