Chapter 2: Just a Little Girl

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Alex's P.O.V

             I was nearing the town and I solved the Rubik's already but nothing happened, I guessed it was a chance thing. I walked into town, it being very silent, then I heard yelling. They said things like. "Monster, Witch, Evil Girl." Whoever their yelling at must have done something really bad to earn those names. I hurried to where the commotion was at and saw the townsfolk pelting a little girl with rock, saying more names. "Mind telling me why your hurting a little girl!" I said in a threatening tone. The offenders froze and turned to me. "Well." I insisted. It took a moment but they finally answered. "That girl is nothing but a monster." One of said, aggravating me. "She's able to use such powerful spirit arts at such young age, it's not natural." Another person states. "Outsiders are nothing but trouble." A man said. "SO, WHAT! THATS NO EXCUSE TO HURT A LITTLE GIRL! WHAT SHE CAN DO IS TALENT, NOT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID OF, OUTSIDER OR NOT! " I yelled at the top of my lungs and when I was finished, I saw faces of guilt. I looked to where the girl was but she was gone. I looked back at the people and asked.

          "Can you tell me where she went?" They pointed to a shed. I just sighed and walked over to it. When I went in, she wasn't in there, then I noticed a flight of stairs going down. 'Man these people are cold hearted, not only does she live in a shed but they keep her in a cellar.' I thought, as I went in. I looked around and saw something move. I walked over there, seeing the girl in a corner, hugging her doll. "You don't need to hide, I just lectured a whole town for you, you know." I said to her. She got up slowly and turned to me.

                "Hey, you Alright?" I asked

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"Hey, you Alright?" I asked. Suddenly, the doll in her hands sprung to life. "Wah-Hey!" It yelled, making me take a step back. "Hey, your a jumpy one aren't you?" It continued. "This is Teepo, he won't hurt you." The girl spoke, introducing the doll. "And this is Elly, but you should call her Elize." Teepo introduced her. "Nice to meetcha." It finished. "Well you were a surprise. it's nice to meet you both." I said, Taking a step forward and giving them both a pat on the head. "I'm Alex by the way." I introduced my self. "Wah-Hey, Alex. Thanks for helping us out." "Thank you." They said. "So, Teepo, Elize, where's your parents?" I asked. "I don't know who my parents are." She said sadly. "There's this big guy." The doll said. "But he wandered away, somewhere." Elize said. "Is He your guardian?" "No" "He's a bad guy! He locked Elly up!" Teepo stated. "We arrived here together in Amnis." She continued. "Do you have any friends?" I asked. "Friends? We don't have any." Elize said. 'Like me.' I thought. "Well, your wrong. I'm you friend." I pointed at myself, smiling. "Really?" She smiled and blushed. "Wha-who! Alex's our pal!" Teepo said. "Hey, you two want to come with me? I'll be way better then that big guy." "Why?" She asked and I answered. "Well, the townspeople are miss treating you and this big guy is untrustworthy,I can't just leave you here." "Sure, why not? Alex's our pal. We can trust him. Right, Elly?" Teepo said. "Right, come on." I said. Elize nodded and followed me out of the shed. As soon as I stepped out, I spotted Jude walking around. "Hey, Jude!" I called. He Looked at us and walk over. "Oh, Alex, you made it safely." Jude said, then took notice of Elize. "Your The girl that helped us." "Yah, Her name's Elize and the dolls name Teepo." I introduced them. "You do know the doll's not alive right?" Jude asked. Then Teepo came to life again. "Wah-Hey, Nice to meetcha, Jude." This response caused him to fall to the ground. I chuckled , helped Jude up and explained my situation.

"And that's why I was wondering if we could tag along." "I see, sure thing but I would have to ask Alvin and Milla." He said. I nodded and he lead us to them. We told Elize to wait for us while we talked it over. She agreed and started playing with Teepo. Me and Jude then explained again to Alvin and Milla. "The Villagers do seem to treat her like a pariah." Alvin stated. "Until this big fellow Jiao returns, I don't see her situation improving." Milla said, but the name confused me. "How do you know his name?" I asked her, she answered. "We asked the villagers." "Elize insists that Jiao isn't her friend." Jude stated. "He locks her up when he's around, and the villagers treat her horribly when he's away. Sounds like she's stuck between a jerk and a hard place." Alvin said. "Unless we let them tag along." The black haired informed. They looked at me, Milla being the first to speak. "How do we know that you won't dump her on us and leave."

  "I won't, I was planning on coming with you guys when we meet again. I just ended up with extra baggage." I said. "Have ether of you given this any thought? You don't even know my mission." Then glanced at Jude. "I hope you haven't forgotten." "Yah." He answered, looking a bit down. "Very well, she can come." Milla said. "Really?" 'Well, she's got a soft spot for somebody.' I thought. "Jude, do you remember I told you at the falls?" Jude looked a bit confused. "Be yourself, and do what you have to do. That's what I said to you." She informed. "Yeah, I remember." He said, Milla looked at me. "Alex, what I said to him now applies to you both. I would assume your decisions to bring the girl is just another step in your paths? That it will help you find the answer you both seek?" "Y-yes." "I guess." Jude and I responded. "Jude, tell Elize she's coming." She told him. He nodded and went to get her. "Alex, what other reasons do you have to travel with us?" The blonde asked me. "You guys looked fun to be around, there's not really any other reasons." I answer, causing her to study me then nods. "Very well, but if either of you slow me down, I'll leave you behind." She stated, I nodded. She then walks away, followed by Alvin. "Wha-who, Hey Alex, is it true." I hear Teepo say, floating over to me, Elize and Jude close behind. "It's true, now come on before Milla actually does leave us behind." I said and we hurried after. We were leaving the town and Elize looked back. She waved goodbye but didn't expect the people to wave back, making her smile and she left.

Skit: What did Alex do

Elize:Alex, they were being nice to me.

Teepo: Yah, and they even smiled waving bye.

Alex: That's good, I guess it worked.

Milla: I thought you said they were treating her poorly.

Alex: They were.

Jude: Then what did you do to make them stop?

Teepo: Alex, taught those meanies a lesson.

Alex: You make me sound like a psychopath.

Alvin: If you didn't attack them, what did you do?

Alex: I lectured them.

Milla: If you changed their views on her, wouldn't she be fine staying?

Alex: Jiao locks her up remember and they could be acting, so they can just abuse her more. *continues solving the Rubik's cube*

End Of Skit

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