Chapter 1: Boring To Exciting

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Third Person

              "Crap, I'm going to be late." A man said, looking at his watch. He was running late because he over slept, leavening him to have to rush through the streets of New York. The traffic light finally turned green and he hurried down the sidewalk, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his side then the feeling disappears. Everything was pitch black. 'So this is the afterlife, I expected better. Beggars can't be choosers.' He thought. A blinding flash appeared then subsided, the man found himself in a small room, sitting in a chair. He looked around, seeing no windows or furniture, only the chair he was sitting in and a table in front of him. Another bright light appeared in the shape of a ball. "Hello, Alex Fair. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." It glowed brighter and dimes, as it spoke. Alex was a bit confused but went with it. "Well, thanks and who are you?" "I'm am what you humans call, God." It said. "Ok, but why am I here exactly?" Alex questioned. "Alex, I have watched you with great interest over the years. You were an orphan and your time at the orphanage, you had no friends. You thought you didn't need them, you wanted excitement, something life threatening but you win in the end. You even tried to start a fight but failed in the end. You trained and when you reached of age, you left the orphanage, found a apartment and job. You went on without a single prayer for some excitement in life. So, I decided on granting your wish." The floating ball of light told him. "Are you being serious right now?" The man said, barely keeping him self under control. "Yes, but I'll be sending you to another world, I will also be altering your appearance a bit. I'll also allow you to bring one thing from your world." Alex thought about this for a bit. "A Rubik's cube." "Are you certain" It asked. Alex nodded. "Very well, I'll add a little something to help you, but what, you would have to find out." "About this world your sending me to, can you tell me a little about it." He asked. "By the time we're done here, I'll give you the necessary information you'll need. Now, what is your weapon of choice?" It asked. "Trench knifes." Alex said. "One last thing, I'll be putting you somewhere where a certain group will be, wether you join or not, it is up to you. We're done here, I hope you find your true wish and please do look at your reflection." God said. "What do-" everything went black again.

Alex's P.O.V

I open my eyes to see the blue sky, with a headache. I Sat up and started thinking. 'Man, this is basic information and its hurting my head.' I look at my surroundings and saw a pond. I remembered it saying to look at my reflection. I stood up and walked to it, then looked at the still water. My eyes were crimson red and my hair was a night sky black. There was two things I didn't expect, when it said it was going to change my appearance. I had wolf ears and a tail, matching my hair color. I sighed and hoped it wouldn't cause problems. I looked at my clothes and noticed I was wearing something different. I had a unzipped dark green jacket, a white shirt under, goldenrod orange pants and black boots. 'At least I look good in these, they even show my muscles.' I thought, flexing. I remembered that I brought something and reached into my pockets, to find it. I found it in my jacket pocket and took it out, revealing a already mixed Rubik's cube. "Let's find out what you added." I said, sitting down in front of the water and started solving it.

One hour later

When I finally solved it, something popped into my mind. I heard something move, the wonders of wolf ears. I looked to see fish like creatures holding hooks. "Perfect Timing." Jumping to my feet, rolling up my sleeves to my elbow and pulled out a pair of trench knifes. The monsters ran at me and I met them half way. I punched the first one into the ground and kicked the next two. Another swung its hook but I dodged and stabbed it. There was one last one, except it was bigger and had two hooks. 'Let's see how this trick works.' I thought. I tightened my grip around one of my knifes and started to generate electricity around the handle. I waited for the monster to get close and when it did, I punched it, sending it flying into a boulder. Electricity still sparkling from its body. I put away my knifes and looked at the sky with a happy smile. "Man, it feels great to finally let loose." I told my self. "Hey, look out!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see one of the monsters were still alive and swinging their hook. I hear a gun shot but the hooks point left a gash across my left arm. Before I realized it, the monster was back on the ground. My arm was dripping blood onto the ground. My vision started to get blurry but before that, I heard the same voice again. "Here, let me take a look at it." I looked to see three people standing next to me.

      Without my consent, the black haired boy outstretched my arm and started cleaning the wound

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Without my consent, the black haired boy outstretched my arm and started cleaning the wound. "Well That was a close call, wouldn't you say?" A brown haired man said, holding his gun. "I agree. If we hadn't been here, he would have died." The girl said, without a hint of emotion in her voice. Then I felt something warm on my arm and the pain disappearing. 'Well, today was a great day. I got to experience a bit of magic and had a little fun.' I thought. "There, you should be good now, umm." "Alex Fair." I introduced. "Nice to meet you, I'm Alvin, this pipsqueak right here is Jude-" Jude cut him off. "Hey, I'm not that short!" Alvin ignores him and continues. "And this little lady right here is, Milla." He pointed to the girl beside him. Milla rested her hand on her side and asked. "So, What are you doing here, this isn't the ideal place for someone like yourself?" 'What is she trying to imply?!' I just went with it and came up with an excuse. "I'm kind of lost, you mind telling me where's the nearest town is?" "Its a little south from here, we won't be able to escort you, so I do hope you can handle yourself." Milla said. "I'll be fine, thanks for the help." I waved goodbye and walked south. 'Well I met them, they look fun to be with. Hopefully I have my decision when I see them again.' I pulled out my Rubik's, mixed it and started to solve it.

(Tales Of Xillia) True WishWhere stories live. Discover now