Chapter One

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"In the small town of Harwell County, lived a young girl who goes by the name of Evangeline Dawson. Evangeline is only seventeen years old, but is suffering a killer heartbreak..." my best friend Kimberly narrated as I cried into my pillow. "Kimberly shut the fuck up. My heartbreak isn't for you to narrate whenever you feel like it!" I screamed back at her. She looked at me with a mortified look on her face. I left my eyes on her for a few more seconds before I fell back onto my pillow.

"Come on, Eva, lighten up! It's been a week since Robbie broke up with you" she stated, it didn't feel like it had been a week, the feeling of a cold dagger jabbed into my heart was still raw. Kimberly has never gone through a breakup, she's never had her heart broken since she's always the one breaking up with the boys.

"Kimberly, I loved him, you don't know what this feels like!" the pillow muffled my screams, making me less aggressive towards her. "Eva, he cheated on you, you need to move on" hearing that again only made me remember how hurt I really am. I buried my face back into my pillow, letting out a bellowing cry.

I could hear Kimberly moan, I can't help it, I'm heartbroken. "Eva, come on, you can't let his stupid decision trap you from living your life" Kimberly sat next to me on my bed, placing her hand on my back, rubbing in a circular motion, calming me. "It just hurts so much" my words were muffled by the pillow.

We didn't talk for a while, the sounds of my heartbreak filled the quiet space of my room. Until, Kimberly gasped suddenly, making my body jump from surprise. "I have an idea!" she said, very loudly. "Whatever it is, leave me out of it" I stated, I just wanted to stay in my bed. I could feel Kimberly poke my side. "Eva, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself!" she said, "You need to go out and get yourself a new man!". I just groaned, pushing my face further into my pillow, refusing to look at her. "I just want to stay here, forever" I whined, "I don't want to meet anyone else; I just want to stay here and eat Oreos!".

"Eva, if I have to go collect your mom, I will, even if I disrupt Wheel of Fortune", she threatened, and she knows how obsessed my mom is with the wheel. I threw the top half of my body up so I could face her. "Don't you dare!", I yelled. She snickered like a villain, she knew fine well that would lift me. "You need to find a new man, just have a fling," she said, "You need a rebound".

I've never had a rebound before, I've only been with one boy. Robbie. We'd been with each other since we were fifteen. Three whole years I wasted on him. I fell back into my pillow. I could hear Kimberly groan in agitation. "Eva, come on, you're being ridiculous now" she sighed. I tilted my head so I could face her, and to breath.

We sat in silence again, only the sounds of our breathing filled the silent atmosphere. I started thinking about what she said about getting a rebound. The idea was crazy, but if it'll help me get over Robbie; anything is worth trying.

I starred at Kimberly, her eyes fluttered around my room, analyzing all my photos and posters I have stuck up on my wall. "How do I get a rebound?" I built up the courage to speak first, it was always hard to shatter the silence. Her eyes pinged over to me, she was bursting with excitement. 

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