I didn't know how to respond. Perhaps that was what proved she truly was better, that she had let go. But she had been right all this time. He was producing light – she had been seeing his true form. I wondered briefly how Acacius would feel about this news, that she was finally accepting that he was dead.

"For years, it's been difficult for me to speak the words in my mind. The world just seemed so hazy and unclear. I never thought it would get better. But I finally feel like myself again."

I smiled at her. "I'm just glad you're better." I couldn't help but let out a few tears. I never truly thought I'd be able to have a proper conversation with her again. "We'll go home soon, I promise."

Whatever it took, I'd do my best to make it happen. To prove to the council that I could be trusted alone on Earth with my mother. She wouldn't need looking after now, so I wouldn't need to be down there all the time, just enough to make sure she wasn't lonely.

Maybe I could take Noah or Jasmine down with me... I banished that thought quickly, almost as soon as I thought it. I didn't think I could trust them anymore. Especially not when it concerned my mother.

I still couldn't fathom how they could do that to me. How they could lie to my face about knowing where my mother was, how could they not have told me that she was safe?

It was just something I couldn't forgive.

"I'd like that." She responded happily. "We can be a proper family again."

I stayed with her for a while, chatting about the most random things. She asked about her parents, what they were up to, and was shocked that I didn't know. It proved to me that her memory certainly was a bit sketchy, if she couldn't remember how her own parents had isolated her.

She fell asleep while we were still talking, and I stayed with her a little longer, feeling all warm inside. It was like a dream come true. I'd take Noah and the other's betrayal a thousand times over for my mother to be healthy.

When I stood up, I carefully placed her hand exactly where it had been when I came in. "I'll come back to visit soon." I whispered to her, not wanting to wake her.

I decided to head back down to see Acacius and let him know how she was doing – seeing as no one else would tell him.

Entering the courtroom where the portal was, I froze in the archway, and my stomach dropped. Standing up by the Reed's table, was Noah. He had his back to me, and he was talking to the Reed. I tuned out his words – not wanting to hear whatever they were talking about.

As though sensing me looking at him, he looked over his shoulder, and sent me a dazzling smile. He turned to face me fully, saying one more thing to the Reed before walking over to me.

I set off walking towards the hallway of cells, keeping my eyes trained on the floor so I wouldn't have to look at him.

"Emilia!" He called out, rushing to catch up with me. "We've searched all of Entilin, but we haven't found her. We're going to move onto the city now."

I didn't respond, I didn't even acknowledge that he spoke. I was too busy squeezing my eyes shut to try and contain my tears.

"Emilia?" He sounded concerned. "What's wrong? We'll find her."

I walked faster, hoping he'd get the message and go.

"Emilia?" He repeated, sounding broken.

Why did he sound upset? How could he sound so convincing when he was lying to me? Was he ever going to give it up?

I stopped walking and spun to face him, he seemed shocked at my expression. "Leave me alone, Noah."

I didn't wait for him to respond, I turned and quickly walked further down the hallway, my arms wound tightly around my stomach as though I was trying to hold myself together.

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