Chapter 31

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Camila Pov

It's the day.

yes it's the day that Mahone is getting some payback.
Yesterday when the girls came over, we told them that the whole bloody head thing was all mahones doing.
He tried to make us lose control over our thirst.

Now he's gonna get embarrassed infront of our whole school.
He doesn't know who he is dealing with.
"Hey camz, got everything you need?"
Ah, it's Lauren. Seems like she's awake.

"Yeah I got everything, ready to take him down?"
I asked with an evil smirk.
"You bet babe"
She responded.
We got in the car and drove to school.

* Skip Car ride*

When we arrived at school I got a weird feeling.
As if something was gonna happen, but I didn't know what it was.
"You feel it too, don't you?"
Lauren asked me.
"Yeah, weird"

We exited the car and we're met with our three friends.
But they didn't look happy.
"What's wrong guys? You look worried"
I said. I was getting worried, what the hell is going on.
"Hey Camren, well...."
Dinah greeted us but she was really making me more and more worried.
"Hey, Dinah would you please say it already?"
I didn't wanted to wait anymore and I knew that it was the same with Lauren.

"It's Austin..."
Ally said.
"What's with Austin?"
What did that son of a bitch do now?
"He told everyone at school that you killed the guy, well the guy from yesterday"
Oh well I'll kill him for that.
"And? That's not a secret"
Jesús, I can't get one day of quiet peace,can I?

"Well, he told everyone that you guys placed the head of the guy in that locker...."
I just looked at her, waiting for her to say that it was just a joke, but that never came.
"Yep, he's dead meat"
Both me and Lauren said at the same.
We looked at each other and smiled devilish.

"You're still up to your plan?"
Normani asked, she's curious huh?
Was all I said and made my way smoothly to the school entrance.
Of course my cute Lolo followed with a smirk that would make any girl and guy fall for her.
That's my girl.
I thought.

I was already opening my locker when I heard a very unattractive voice that would make me puke if i could.

"Hey Camilla!"
Mahoe called.
That is NOT how you pronounce it!
I just cringed when he said my "name"

"Well hello there, asshole mahoe, was it?"
The students around us just "uhh'ed"
(Is that even a word? Well if not now it is)

"No it's Austin mahoe!"
He corrected me. THE NERVE!?
"Oh I'm sorry, but you don't have a right to correct me if you can't even spell Camila correctly"
I said and that was a fact.

He got red and changed the subject.
"Nevermind that! So you even dare to show up after what you did?"
He smiled as if he already knew that he won, but fuck that, he's going so down.

"Sorry, what do you mean? You mean the cleaning? Yeah that was a mess"
I said innocently.
"No! I mean you placing the head in that locker!"
He got frustrated, is it weird that im trying to hold my Laugh?

"Ohhh you mean what you did? Yeah why wouldn't I show up?"
Im just telling the truth.

"What I did? You're the monster here so it was obviously you!"
And he's angry, YES! 100 Points for me.

"What? Well you see,
I'm trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just can't get my head that far up my ass"
I said and God that felt good.
And like before they just"'uhh'ed".
Don't they have things to do?

And again he got red bish her looks like a tomato, even worse than me.

"Hey Jauregui! Don't you care that your girlfriend talk to me like this?!"
Wow he must be very desperate when he tried to use Lauren against me.

"Huh? If you're waiting for me to care, I hope you brought something to eat, 'cause it's gonna be a really long time"

Gosh I love her and her sass.
And the students did it again uuurghh!.

Austin is now pale, he got embarrassed infront of the whole school and he was supposed to be the coolest guy in school, well not anymore.

"What's wrong with the two of you?!monsters like you have nothing to do in my school!"

"Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither"
I said, man he's getting on my nerves!

"You have your entire life to be a jerk.
Why not take today off?"
Lauren asked, man so sassy. That's hot.

He wants to say something more, but before he could, I grabbed him by his collar and lifted his body against the lockers, that made some loud noise.

"I'm not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.
And I see you everyday, so that makes it worse.
Did your parents even realize they're the living proof that two wrongs don't make a right?
Guess not cuz you're here.
So please do us all a favor and shut the hell up!.... Oh and stop lying about the head because I could smell your ass all over there, wanna know how?
Well I'm a vampire I can smell everything better than dogs, and your fart spreaded all over the head"

"You fu-"
I cutted him off by making it even more embarrassing for him.
"Nah! Please, save your breath. You'll probably need it to blow up your next date"
I said and that was it.
Or not.
He wetted himself.....
"And, you should change your pants. They seem kinda wet"
And with that I let go of him, and he fell on the ground.

Everyone laughed at him and the school principal expelled him from the school, well that was an event and I enjoyed it, sooooo much!


The girls and I were sitting in the Lunchhall, and we're telling each other jokes.

"Hey Cabello, that was awesome what you did this morning, Good job girl!"
A boy said as he came up with his friends, isn't that Malik?
"Thanks Malik but he deserved it, he was just an asshole"
I said.

"Indeed, that was all I wanted to say, oh and I overheard everyone here in the school, they have nothing against you, they actually love you, all of you"
He did say that right? Right.
"Really? Than I'm glad"
I said.
"Good , that all. Bye see you soon!"
"Yeah bye"

After that I turned to Lauren Who was sitting next to me.
"Hey babe"
"Hey camz"
"I never thought you could talk like you did before, that was"
I said while I played with her hair.
"It was? I should talk like that often shouldn't I?"
She said while she looked between my legs.
Wait....I don't...or do I?
I looked at my crotch only to see it being hard and big.
I whispered.

"Is something wrong g Walz?"
Dinah asked.
"No, everything is fine"
I lied. I don't think she believes me but fuck it.

Well I hope that I'm fine .......

Whassup bitcheeeeessss!?
Fucking FINALLY!
I thought I would never come up with ideas but yasss I did it! And it was sassy! ;)

But well, keep reading!
Luv y'all ❤️♥️

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