"I didn't really see you at school, though," Keith blurted out. "I almost thought you were a ghost."

Nathan let out a chuckle, sounding a little too pleased. "So, you've been trying to find me."

Fuck. Keith's cheeks were on fire, and he knew he would stutter if he said any word now.

Keith trembled when Nathan laughed. This is fucking embarrassing.

He forced himself to think of something else, to not remain silent. "Uh," Keith started, still shivering, "so . . . why did you stay over at school just now?"

"Oh, I had a volleyball practice," Nathan answered.

"You play for the school?"

Nathan turned into an unfamiliar junction, and suddenly Keith remembered that he had yet to give Nathan the directions to Tessa's place. "No," Nathan replied. "I mostly play for myself. I love volleyball." Nathan drove into a smaller road lined with shop lots and said, "How about you, Keith? You play anything?"

"Uh . . . not really," Keith responded in doubt. "I love the school gym, though. It's good for workout."

"Yeah, I noticed you on your jump rope just now," Nathan muttered, pulling over to park his car. Later, he said, "Would you mind having lunch with me?"

Keith, still excited on the fact that Nathan had been watching him exercising just now, could go crazy with this new offer. "Of course not."

They proceeded to have lunch in a small McDonald's stall. Keith wanted a Big Mac because he was quite hungry, and Nathan parroted him. "I'll take whatever he takes," he said to the cashier, and Keith found that to be extremely adorable.

Keith didn't expect Nathan to pay at all when he already pulled out his amount of purchase when Nathan already paid for the two of them. Even though it wasn't much, Keith was moved and affected by Nathan's gentlemanly act. He couldn't help flustering every now and then.

They settled to eat in a secluded corner in the diner. Nathan seemed to be so hungry he could inhale the burger in. Keith thanked God to himself having to sit facing this gorgeous-looking boy, his appetite suddenly diverting only to Nathan's whole figure rather than the food. When ketchup stained the corner of Nathan's mouth, Keith tempted to wipe it with his fingers, but he stopped himself.

"It's so good," Nathan said, wiping his mouth with a tissue before taking a sip on his Coke.

"You never eat a Big Mac before?" Keith asked.

"I don't exactly remember if I ever had one," Nathan countered. "I rarely eat here. I usually lunch at home."

"So why did you decide to eat here today?" Keith said, smiling to himself. Probably because he wants to spend more time with you today.

A quiet laugh escaped Nathan's mouth as he looked down, probably blushing. "Um . . . well . . . I thought you might be hungry."

"I was. Thank you, Nathan." Keith smiled, and Nathan returned one almost immediately. He continued on his fries and drinks, couldn't help ogling at Nathan the whole time. To fill the silence, Nathan scrolled down his phone.

This oddly felt like a casual, awkward date, and Keith liked it.

Always in the perfect time to spoil everything, Keith's phone vibrated, and Ivan's face popped up in the screen. Keith took his phone away and hid it under the table. He let the call linger.

"It's probably your parents," Nathan said.

"Oh, I live with my aunt, by the way." When the call ended, Keith quickly turned off his phone. He could say his phone was out of battery later if Ivan asked. "I just moved here because my mom is getting married. So, she has to stay somewhere else to prepare the wedding and everything while I stay with her sister for a while."

"Your parents are never married?"

"No, not like that," Keith blurted out. "It's . . . my mother's marrying her true mate."

"I see." Nathan put his phone down and locked gaze with Keith. "And your dad?"

"Um, he passed away three years ago." Keith took a deep breath.

The expression on Nathan's face changed. "I'm sorry, Keith."

"It's okay. She found her true mate, anyway, so that's a good thing."

Nathan nodded before going back into silence. Later, they started to move without talking that much. Keith guessed there wasn't anything left to talk about, plus they just got to know each other. At least the boy who he couldn't stop thinking about for the past few weeks was giving him company. He didn't know how long this friendship would last, but he appreciated it.

Nathan drove Keith home without saying much, too. Keith basically showed him directions to Tessa's place, driving past suburbs and small neighborhoods in the city. Maybe Nathan wasn't expecting the distance from the look in his eyes, and Keith worried if taking him home had sort of burdened Nathan.

When Nathan pulled by Tessa's house, he went out of the car, probably amazed at the exterior of the house. Keith followed after hauling his backpack from the back seat, approaching to stand by Nathan's side.

"Whoa," Nathan said. "I think I drove around here before, but I didn't know there was a . . . palace here."

Keith laughed. "I'm still impressed with it too, sometimes."

"Uh, there's something about this house, too . . . it feels different here." Nathan glanced around, suddenly looking unsure of something. Did Nathan sense the magic in the walls of Tessa's mansion? As far as he knew, werewolves including him couldn't do that.

"Uh . . . thanks for today, Nathan, especially for the McDonald's." Nathan turned around, going back to his senses as if he was surprised by Keith's presence here.

"No big deal," Nathan said. "Although I wish you would thank my company more than the McDonald's."

"God," Keith responded trembling, "stop flirting before I collapse."


Then they stood facing each other, not saying anything, just staring into each other's eyes with no shame. Keith's pulse started to pick up its pace again, and looking into Nathan's eyes now wasn't the same as ice-grilling with Ivan back then. Nathan's eyes were different; they were more malicious, and Keith couldn't stare at them long before breaking down.

"Uh . . . I guess I'm going now," Keith finally said, now extending his hand for a fist pump.

Instead of pumping fists, Nathan reached out to grab Keith in his elbow and pulled him forward into an embrace. Keith reached out to wrap his arms around Nathan strongly, his heartbeat going crazy now. He sniffed in the sweet odor of Nathan before he pulled away, finding Nathan's eyes again.

Before Keith could talk, Nathan muttered, "You're welcome."

Keith laughed as he nodded. He let go of Nathan's touch this time, only letting Nathan's hand stayed around his own. Keith turned away, and as he tried to walk into the house, Nathan's grip on him strengthened, stopping him. "Wait," he said.

"Yes?" Keith said.

Again, the two of them found themselves in silence, gawking into each other's faces as they stood still here. Keith didn't really think Nathan want to kiss him now, and he didn't wish for it, too. Whatever this was, Nathan was still an acquaintance to him, and he really didn't want to rush into things this time.

Finally, it was Nathan who broke the quiet.

"Um, may I have your number?"

Keith breathed out, suddenly realizing he was feeling some sense of relief. "Of course."

Upside Down (COMPLETE) Inside Out, Book 2 [BoyxBoy]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن