Lego Blocks

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Everyone is a lego block. We come in many different colours and shapes, and yet all have our own uniqueness. We are all designed in a similar way. We all have a weakness.

We work better when we stick together and get lost when we don't get put away properly. We strive to be different despite the words branded onto our skin. Why? Because it is in our design. We were not all meant to be the same because if that were the case then we would be.

Its no longer about how we look at ourselves, its the way we look to others. The way we look on the outside is the first thing they see. They look at the colours and shapes that place an image on us. An image that usually is not what it should be.

It isn't until you get to know someone that you see their scars. Each little piece of lego has its own story. We all have scratches and dents. We all have memories that we wish could be forgotten, cast out into the stars. We have all been left alone on the floor, stepped on and pushed aside. Thinking its over but at least we tried.

We are all the same, but also very different. Some of us have wounds deeper than others but all of us have them. We all start off so perfect and beautiful; our colours and shapes unaffected by the world. So innocent and free, before being added into a pile with other lego. Thats when words make scratches that get deeper and deeper, pushing us to aim for the trash can and be gone forever. We all have those moments. Those moments when we are at the bottom of the bin of lego blocks, just waiting until our time is up. Waiting for another lego block to tell us that they know how we feel because they have been through it before. That one little piece of lego that keeps us from giving up each day. The one that knows we are lying when we say "Its okay, I'm fine". We are not okay. We are not fine. We go through times when we feel like we are worthless little pieces of lego. Worthlessness that causes us to cut deeper scratches into ourselves. We look in the mirror day after unbearable day and say to ourselves "Whats the point? Why do I deserve to be here?"

Little do we sometimes know that we all have a calling. Every piece of lego is vital. If there is a single piece missing, then beautiful structures can never be finished.

When those pieces disappear it is felt by everyone. Even the ones who believed you when your answer was "Its okay, I'm fine" can feel the empty silence that once was. We are not okay. We are not fine. How can we be 'okay' or 'fine', these things that we have never truly been or understood? How can we be these things when we are the pieces that are always at the bottom holding everyone else's weight on our heads?

Its time to put a new thought into that head of yours. What would happen if that bottom piece of lego was removed all of a sudden? The whole thing would lose its stability and come crashing down, left there to wonder what went wrong. They begin to change how they think about us even though we are already gone. They don't understand why after all that building up we finally let them down. But how can we hold up a tower of lego blocks when we can't even hold up ourselves? They delve in the thought that we are on firm ground and that this weight is something we can lift on our own. But really, nothing is possible when we are alone. This loneliness weighs us down 100x as much as any other lego block ever could. It drives us to insanity because how could we stay sane with no one to pull us back to reality. A reality that is telling us that we are never truly alone.

Even when you search for someone and find no one, don't worry. That just means they are out there somewhere searching for you. They will find you. They will be the answer to the prayers you have screamed out into the depths of the night. But while you wait for that day to come, don't drown yourself in your pain. There is nothing to gain from a fake smile so put on a real one. Be the lego block that someone else has been searching for. Tell them that you know they are lying when they say "It's ok, I'm fine."

Be the one that grabs their hand and pulls them back just as they are leaning over the edge. Helping someone else to find their strength will help you find your own. Your own outlook could be changed when you look at the scars on that piece of lego and realize that you aren't the only one that knows this suffering. You aren't the only one that has to carry everyone else's weight above your head. You can't let it all fall now because you aren't the only one at the bottom. It only takes one thing to cause a chain reaction so built up yourself and hold strong to those who are reaching out their hand to you. Hold strong to those who can't find stable footing. Be the lego block that never falls. All lego blocks come to an end some day so be the one that leaves with a beautiful history. Be the one that will be remembered for it's strength instead of for it's weakness, just a silent mystery.

If the world tells you its impossible to be strong, build a wall. Maybe that wall will fall in the beginning but you just have to keep trying until it is strong enough to hold steady. Be ready for the shots that will be fired and the dents that will be made. We all know pain and we all know how to cause it. We all go head first into this game of war and don't know how to pause it.

There is no way to know what will happen but you just have to go for it. Take a deep breath. Make a leap of faith. Do it despite the fear you feel all the way down to your bones. Do it for yourself. Maybe you can't be as courageous as everyone else sometimes but at least you know how to be yourself. How to be that one lego block and be them better than anyone else could. So build a wall that represents you. One that no one else can copy or replace. Show it off like the smile on your face. Make it known that you will never crack or tumble down. Stand up for you and everyone who can't make a sound.

So maybe you aren't "ok" or "fine". Maybe every night you cry because you've excepted the lie that you will always be alone. Maybe the sticks and stones have done more than broken your bones. The damage has sunk too deep to be healed. Maybe you are stuck on that ledge, ready to jump.

Never take that jump.

Never give in to the thought that you are alone and that no one will except you because of your scars. There will always be someone out there for you, you just have to keep your flame burning for them to see in the dark so they don't get lost.

To all the pieces of lego that truly understand what I am saying, never forget to breath. This air you are taking in shows that you are a living miracle. When you feel ready to make that move for the trash can, close your eyes. Take a deep breath and count to three. 1 for the happiness you think you'll never gain, 2 for all the lego left out in the rain, 3 for not giving in to this pain.

Everyone is a lego block. We all know pain. We all know how to laugh and how to cry. But we don't always know that its not quite time to say goodbye. Now is not your time so don't jump yet. You are never alone, so please don't forget. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and count to three. Now open your eyes and hold firm to this hand you see. I told you I would find you so forget about the loneliness and build a lego wall with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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