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They had won their freedom, of course there were still things such as meetings and conferences that needed to take place, but that was inevitable.

The feeling of weights being lifted off Markus' shoulder was relieving.
He was grateful for the people of Jericho, for having others that believed in him.

He was grateful that the leaders that gave him a chance
He was grateful for North, Josh

and Simon

There was no doubt that Simon was different than the rest. Josh wanted peace, and believed dialogue was the best choice. And North believed in war, and the fighting was their only choice. Ever since Markus arrived at Jericho he knew there was something about Simon. Everyone else wasn't afraid to die, as the knew it was coming, but Simon was.

Although they never really grew a strong bond between each other verbally, Markus knew he was willing to risk the one thing he was most scared of losing to save Markus.

After S.W.A.T. raided Jericho, Markus blew it up. Every android thanked him, but he knew he didn't deserve the praise mainly because he had destroyed their only home. When Jericho did blow up, Markus was lucky enough to find an abandoned church and decided to settle there until things calmed down. There visit ended up being overdue, as they had decided to stay.

There was a specific place Markus loved to go to think, or de-stress himself.
It was on top of the church where the bell was.

He would stare at the civilians walking by just wondering what it was like to be them.

To be alive.

Then he remembered he was alive.

Was he?

Of course he was, he knew he was. He simulated human emotions, and could feel things
He wasn't the only android and wouldn't be the last.

Markus would still mourn the deaths that came with the revolution even after they had won.
He would ponder if their deaths were worth it, he would question if Carl would've still been alive if Markus was there, taking care of him, he would process all the things he did, leading up to the revolution.

Markus knew everything he did before was dangerous. Despite this, one instance stuck out. He would remember the time at the Stratford Tower, when Simon had gotten shot.

"I can't move my legs..."

His voice was timid, he was scared. Markus remembered how red, and crimson his LED was flashing.

"Okay, don't worry! We're gonna get you back..."

Markus didn't actually think he was going to carry him off the roof at first, but when North and Josh presented him with false promises, he knew he had to.

His decision came out of no where, and Markus never really had a good explanation for it.

"He won't be able to make the jump.. If they find him, they'll access his memory... They'll know everything..."

"We can't leave him behind... We have to shoot him."

He remembered his fight or flight mode had kicked in, and he only had less than five seconds to make a decision that could've impacted Jericho big time.

"Markus, it's your call."

He recalled himself looking over at Simons limp body. It was his call, and leaving him behind wasn't an option.

He walked over to him. "I'm not leaving you, you're not going to die but we need to hurry."

When Simon nodded, Markus wrapped his hands around his waist and chucked him over his back.

"They're coming, Markus!"

He looked at the door only to realize it would be busted off its hinges in a couple seconds. He didn't waste anymore time. Markus quickly strapped on a parachute and made a run for the cliff.

"Hold on tight!" Was the last thing he remembered saying before everything else became a blur. The day lit sky had consumed him as they all threw themselves off the balcony.

He remembers feeling Simon's nerves
Being so close to him made him feel safe. He didn't know how to describe it and eventually brushed it off as his systems freezing up.


A soft voice was heard from the back of Markus' head

He quickly bolted to look for who it was

It was Simon

A big relieve could be felt inside of Markus

"Oh, it's just you."

Markus was quite the charmer and usually wasn't afraid to say what he thought.
But for some reason, he was very picky with his words, or as picky as he could be, around Simon.

He didn't understand it, why he was different around Simon?

"Did I scare you? Sorry." He asked jokingly with a little chuckle.

Markus smiled softly, and turned toward the view he had been admiring before.

"What are you doing up here anyway?" Simon walked next to Markus, curious what he was looking at.

"Just thinking." Was the only Markus could answer with.

"About?" Simon pushed.

Simon never really liked being given vague information
That's why conversations with him could last forever

"About everything really, things have been so different after that message we sent back at Stratford Tower." Simon glared at him, curiously.

"So that's what you're thinking of, huh?" Markus' eyes widened a bit. "Well, you caught me.." He said sheepishly.

"I still can't believe we did that. Well- you did that." Markus sighed.

"We almost got you killed while we were at it, though." He leaned on the railing and pushed his fist up against his cheek. "I'm right here, Markus. I'm not dead, you out of everyone should know that by now. You're the one who saved me. I can't imagine what would've happened if North, Josh and I would've gone without you.."

Markus didn't reply

"Thank you, by the way. I never got a chance to say it." He sounded so modest. "Yea, no problem." There was silence between them, but not the awkward type.

"Markussss!" Both Simon and Markus looked back at the door that led back down to the church. "Oh yea, that's why I came up here." Simon giggled. It sent shockwaves through Markus, and he felt his face heat up. "North and Josh are waiting for you downstairs."

"R-right.. I'll.. be right down." Simon began walking towards the doorway but stopped midway out. He turned his head slightly.

"You've got something on your face." Simon winked and walked down.

He ended up standing there for what felt like an hour wondering what just happened.

You've got something on your face

Something on my face?

Markus just couldn't make a connection until he was walking down the stairs to get back into the church.

That's when realization punched him in the gut.

Simon must've noticed me blushing He thought as he facepalmed himself.

Markus wanted to forget it ever happened before he found North and Josh. He didn't want to look like a blue blushing mess when he saw them!

But the more he tried the harder it was.

Eventually he found them
But his face was still beat blue

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