"Not sure. Dad did it, I kinda destroyed the old decorations so I guess he replaced them," I reply.

"You destroyed them?" Sam asks and he chuckles.

"It's a long story that I don't feel like telling." Sam sits my bag down on the bed and he moves closer toward me.

"Then you don't have to tell me." He moves my braid away from the side of my neck and brings me closer to him. Sam breaks the gap between our lips as he brings his mouth to mine. I'm not going to deny my feelings for soulless Sam any longer, they're obviously a lot stronger than I want them to be.

But I know that he doesn't feel the same way, he sees this relationship for what it really is: a friends with benefits thing. We get what we both want from each other, and there doesn't have to be feelings involved. At least half of that is true for me, but it's entirely true for Sam. I want it to be like that for me, but I can only see Sam the way that I saw him over a year ago; he was the guy that I was in love with, the guy I still am in love with.

Sam continues to kiss me, then he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. My back presses up against the wall and Sam runs his fingers through my hair. "Do you want me?" he asks through heavy breaths.

"Yes," I reply back and it comes out in a moan. Then the sound of footsteps coming up the steps startles us both. Sam puts me back down on the ground and I move to the side of the bed. The door opens and my dad stands there.

"Everything alright? I heard a thud," dad says.

"Yeah, sorry it was my, um, bag. There's quite a bit of stuff in here," I reply. My cheeks flush and I exchange a quick glance with Sam. Dad shrugs his shoulders then shuts the door behind him as he heads back downstairs. I let out a sigh of relief and I look at Sam, his expression hasn't changed and I can see the lust in his eyes as he looks back at me.

"That was way too close," I say. Sam just looks down at the floor and starts laughing. "What?"

"You play it too safe. You gotta learn to take a few risks every now and then."

"You think I don't take risks. Do you not realize what I do for a living?" Sam laughs and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I don't mean like that. I mean, you have to learn that sometimes if you wanna have fun," Sam lowers his voice to a hushed tone, "you have to have fun at your dad's house in your bedroom." I blush, I've never blushed when he's talked this way to me before. I don't understand what's changed, well besides the fact that he doesn't have a soul and he's a jerk most of the time. Sam leans in and starts kissing on my neck, I push him away.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks.

"I can't do this. Not after what just happened and the fact that I still haven't told him about us--"

"Come on, we're going downstairs and you're gonna tell him," Sam interrupts. My feet plant firmly to the ground and I feel sick to my stomach.

"No," I say weakly.

Sam sighs, "You can't keep putting this off. I'm gonna go down there and I won't leave your side. You have to do this, Olivia." I feel my face growing hot and tears start to swell up in my eyes. I feel so many things all at once, I want to scream, cry, throw up, and pass out all at the same time.

"I don't know what to say. I haven't been thinking of what I should say to him. I've only been thinking of the possibilities of what might happen after." Sam takes my hand and slowly leads me down the stairs. I can see my dad sitting at his desk like he always does, studying up on some creature for another hunter that needs help. Sam lets go of my hand but I take hold of his again, I'm too scared to let go.

The Daughter's MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now