Chapter: 80 Serious Business

Start from the beginning

"Connor, we are in this together. That is final." I gave him a glaring look and I meant it as well.

Connor was going to protest, but he knew that there was no way that I was backing down from this. No, this was too important. "We need all hands on deck right now. We are so close to ending this, Connor." I added in while speaking with determination. I wasn't giving up. 

He let out a huffed, "Fine, but if anything goes wrong. You get the hell out of there."

"Fine." I huffed as well.

"All right. Since that is settled. Shall we get back to the plan?" Motier asked while raising an eyebrow up at us and I could see there was a fond expression in his eyes along with an amusing look again. He seems to enjoy our spat, but I only look back at the board. My cheeks were burning from our little spat between us. 

"Very well." Connor let out a sigh while speaking again. He explains to Gilbert Motier on how we were going to infiltrate Fort George where it was heavily secure with military force. Charles Lee was hiding in the middle of it and we would have to go underneath it and go up into the fort without being spotted. It made me nervous to think that we would be in some dangerous territory and all of those men would shoot us on sight as well. It wasn't going to be a very pleasant trip for either of us. This was going to be very difficult for Connor.

Connor asked, "While I secure the Admiral's ships, I need you to clear them for me."

Motier wasn't sure what he meant by that while asking with a raised eyebrow. I notice that he was confused as well, "And the ships?"

Connor continued to explain that when he does that, they will bombard the fort. Motier finally got a hold of what Connor was trying to explain to him and his plan was making sense to him. I stay quiet and only listen. Tunnels. I remember using tunnels before. It was going to be almost the same as using the ones underneath this fort, but not like the ones under Boston. At least, that's what I think. Connor nodded his head, "In the middle of the Chaos, Rose and I will slip in to find Charles Lee and silence him forever."

A shudder rushes down my back at the sound of his planned and it was making me more nervous by standing here while listening to what must happen. It was pure chaos and it was going to be very scary, but I wasn't about to let Connor go off on his own. Motier nodded his head and Connor lead him back up the stairs while looking back at me, but I ended up turning around to look at the last two remaining pictures. One of Haythem and the other one Charles Lee. A softly hummed escape from my lips as I don't know what to do. 

My eyes went back to the board where Connor was showing Motier his plan. I believe that this was going to be my biggest conquest and that was helping Connor get rid of Haythem and Charles Lee. I couldn't wait to help Connor take down that moron of a man. His father could have been saved if only he made the right choices in doing so, but he had his own agenda and we have ours. Both of them will die and I will make sure of it. 

I turn around and headed back upstairs as well and Connor was walking down the hallway. He gently touched my cheek while speaking, "Rose, do you really have to come with me? I don't want anything to harm you." 

"Connor, trust me. We are going to finish this together." I softly spoke and he nodded his head. Gently, he leans down and I raise myself up on my tiptoes as his arms came around my waist. "Together, we will end this," Connor promise me before his lips touch mine in a very soft way. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck while moving my lips against his while feeling that warmth spreading through me. Everything was going to be okay. It was us against the world. I was fine with that. With another step, I push myself against him as I felt heated and all I needed was him. The nightmares that I seem to had faded away while kissing him and his sweet touch was making my heart swell with a familiar emotion that I knew. 

He pulled away from me softly, "Let's go upstairs."

I nodded my head as I didn't need words to know what we were going to do. I was all right with that. He leads me up the stairs and down the hall to our room. Once the door was closed, we couldn't get enough of each other as our clothes came off as fast as we could rip them off of our bodies. Everything was perfect at that moment as our worries faded into nothing and our bodies met with the bed. The blankets cushioning our fall as we were tangle with each other limbs. 

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So, I apologize for taking so long to update this one. I had a major writer's block and College is stressing me out. Family problems aren't helping either. I am still an Aunt to a 2-year-old Nephew who doesn't know when to calm down. He has been a holy terror, but I still love the little munchkin. I will try to complete this soon, but with trying to finish my AA degree. It's going to get a little complicated. Haha So, again, I am sorry for taking forever with this chapter. <3

Thank you! :D

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