Before they knew it Michael had to close up the store and they had to go their separate ways. Selene only vaguely realised that she was probably going to get in trouble for being out for so long (but her dad had given her permission, right?) and Michael didn't want to have to go back to the apartment he shared with the boys because he'd had such a good time.

"This was fun." Michael said as a way to stall.

"Yeah it was. I'd like to do it again sometime, if that's all right I mean." Michael nodded eagerly and she laughed at his enthusiasm.

"I'm working again tomorrow if you wanted to come by." He suggested hoping that she wouldn't think it was too much too soon.

She nodded and smiled up at him. "That sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I'll see you tomorrow." He repeated.

Without thinking too much about it, Selene leaned in and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him in for a hug. It took him a second but eventually Michael wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Both of them couldn't help but realise just how right it felt to be holding the other in their arms.

Reluctantly they both let go and left, neither of them could wait until tomorrow.

Selene showed up the next day and they once again spent the entirety of Michael's shift talking. They never seemed to run out of things to talk about and Michael thought that was a sign that things were going to work out well with them.

Soon enough they settled into a routine; every second day (because Selene had to spend some time with other people as well even if she didn't really want to) she would come in and sit with Michael until his shift was over.

Some days they'd talk, other days they'd just listen to music. They didn't really care what they were doing as long as they got to spend time together. Sometimes Selene would help him with counting stock and restacking shelves and one time they ended up playing games on the computer for the whole time because no one came in.

Michael was so glad that their tattoos had matched up, because if he'd met her and they hadn't he couldn't imagine himself trying to find his actual soul mate when Selene was in his life. She was just like him except she seemed to lack all of the bad parts. It was impossible for him to have a bad day when she was around, and even when she wasn't all it took was a simple text message from her to put a smile on his face.

He often got worried that he cared about her too much, that he cared for her a lot more than she did for him; but even to have her care about him a little bit was a privilege. Michael wasn't accustomed to having people like Selene in his life, and without wanting to sound cheesy and over the top she might just have been the best thing to ever happen to him.

Michael was pretty sure the boys were getting tired of him talking about her but he couldn't help himself, he needed to talk to someone. They were mostly annoyed because he hadn't introduced her to them yet (he had a good reason though; he didn't want them to scare her off), but he figured that they'd get over it eventually.

One day, about ten minutes before Michael finished one of his later shifts, he was putting price tags on a bunch of new CD's that had just come in while Selene was sat on the front counter waiting for him to finish up.

"Hey, Michael?" He looked up from the stacks of CD's in front of him to the gorgeous girl who was looking at the stapler she was holding.

"What's up?" He asked, looking back to the CD's and then at his watch.

She fiddled with the stapler some more before she put it down and turned to look at him. "So, uh, I was wondering if you were planning on asking me out sometime soon?"

"What?" He spluttered out, he hadn't been expecting her to be quite so forward.

"I mean, like on an actual date." She shrugged, looking down at her hands again so she didn't have to meet his eyes. "Like, I enjoy hanging out with you and stuff and I know this soul mate thing can also be platonic but I kinda thought we had something. So yeah, I was just wondering. It's stupid don't worry about it."

This whole time Michael had been worried that she didn't like him like that and now here she was, asking him to ask her out. Michael couldn't believe his luck.

"Hey Selene," He called out to get her attention. "Did you want to grab a coffee or something with me when I get off work in a couple of minutes?"

"Michael Clifford, are you asking me out on a date?" She asked, biting her lip to stop from laughing.

"That depends." He told her playing along.

She looked confused for a moment. "On what?"

"Well two things really." He gave her a cheeky smile and stood up from his spot on the floor of the back room. "First of all, if you're going to say yes."

"Of course I'm going to say yes, you idiot." She rolled her eyes and punched him lightly in the shoulder. "What's the other thing?"

"Well it also depends on if I get to kiss you good night, which is something I've wanted to do for a while now, just so you know. Basically if I don't get to kiss you after I walk you home it's not really a date."

Selene gave him an incredulous look before her face broke into a grin. "Well, that depends on whether or not it's a good date."

They didn't say anything as Michael turned off all the lights and led her outside so he could lock up.

"I guess I'm just going to have to make this the best coffee date ever then, aren't I?" He reached out and laced their fingers together, looking down at the tattoo on her index finger that had started all of this.

"I guess you are." She smiled, giving his hand a light squeeze as they began to make their way towards the coffee shop that was just down the street.


you guys are incredible, thank you so much for getting this to 1k reads. love you long time :)

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