Part 3

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Chapter 21

They were all heading toward the lake, she ran behind a tree before anyone could see her. She watched as the young version of her father and his friends strip down to their underwear, she turned when they dropped those and jumped into the lake. They laughed and played, having a great time by themselves, suddenly they turned to a noise on the bank. They got out and put their clothes on in time to see a young Richard Young walking down to the river, dragging a young Eric Tepes. Richard walked into the lake, pulled Eric into the water and hold him under the water. Jacob and Casey ran into the water and fought off Richard while Damion and Victor dragged a past out Eric to the shore. Richard knocked out Casey and Victor when he came to help, yanking Jacob under the water he choked him until he blacked out. Damion jumped up and flung himself at Richard as Eric woke up, not knowing what to do he ran from the lake. Damion cursed Richard, tied him up on the shore then turned to drap the bodies of his friends out of the lake one by one and make sure they were all breathing. Looking up at a older and younger man, who ran to help with Eric and the elderly women behind them.

"Damion, are you okay?" the man asked as he bent to check the three past out boys. Damion nodded and fell back to the grass to catch his breath. "Professor, please take Richard and Eric back to my office. Madam, take the boys to the Nurse Wing to regroup. Damion stay with me."

Damion paced as the Nurse and Professor left toward the school. He turned to the older man. "What do you want to talk about Dean Goldgrimm? Alice gasped, so that was Goldgrimm.

"You are not one who normally intervenes in a fight, I am surprised that you took Richard down by yourself, your friend will be too, I imagine." Goldgrimm.

Damion faltered, "Please, don't tell them. Let Eric take credit. If they found out, they would pick on me and push me to be confrontational."

"Okay, calm down young Damion, I will keep your secret." Goldgrimm said, suddenly she was being yanked up from the ground and she was standing in the hallway again, she thought. Looking around, she saw older Damion with an even older Goldgrimm. They were standing in front of the photo of the friends. "Are you sure you want to do this, Damion?"

"I need to, maybe one day after this is over, someone will find this and know all that I have tried to hide. I can't let Tomnus know I still love them. That I care for Tony. I can't let him know about her, they need to think that she is dead. I have to do this." Damion whispered as he took a step back and she saw a little girl. "No one must know that Alice is alive."

"You don't have to go back. You can go away with her." Goldgrimm volunteered, looking down at the girl, "She will be alone. How will she know her world?"

"She won't be alone. Doltin will have her." Damion said as the man she had known all her life came into the picture. "He will tell her. Tell her everything."

Doltin sighed, "You know I am only doing this because I owe you, I want nothing to do with fight of this kid."

She gasped as his words brought a pain she never imagined, Damion growled and pushed him against the wall next to the photo. "I don't care how you feel about me or why your doing this. You are doing this and you will treat her as one of your family. You will not lie to her, tell her everything you know, everything I told you, and when she can read give her the diaries. You hurt her and I will kill you. Am I clear?" She laughed as Doltin coughed and nodded, Damion backed off and knelt down to the toddler. "Hey there sweet little princess. You have to go away now, my brother will take care of you. Don't ever fear the dark or anything because it is not worth it, I will miss you." he kissed her on her cheek and stood up. Nodded to Doltin, who took the toddler and disappeared.

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