ɐɹɹǝ┴ :ǝnƃolᴉdƎ

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ɐɹɹǝ┴ :ǝnƃolᴉdƎ

'Welcome home to Alterra. Permission to land will be granted once you have settled your outstanding balance of: 1,000,000,000,000 credits'

Neptune Escape rocket came to a halt, once the entrance shaft spread open, a form of a (Gender) Human stepped out. (Y/n) stared upwards, police sirens echoed along with blinding lights that were focused on them.

"(Sir/Ma'am), put your hands in the air! You're being under arrest for unauthorized spaceship landing, stay still!" - Soldiers approached, their weapons directed at the (hair-color)(Gender) as a group of officers circled the Rocket. When the soldier spoke, (Y/n) could hear the army in his voice, holding himself like a mannequin, ready to shoot at any moment. - "Subject unidentified. State your name and code!"

Obviously, after 2 years of isolation on an alien planet, away from Earth, (Y/n)(L/n) was no longer a certified citizen or let alone - a person. Sighing in a familiar grief, (Y/n) obliged the man's orders and placed their hands behind their back while waiting for the arrest, surrendering. (Y/n)(L/n) was back 'home'.

"...Home Sweet Home."

On the outer reaches of the Ariadne Arm, forbidding any mentions of the past void - a grand alien spaceship hovered around Sun 4546.

A specific individual marched in within the Duskiness of the control panel, as the control sector brimmed with neon green lights along the sleek black floor. With a face like a brick, their movements were all sharp and with purpose, they analyzed the chart on the screens for a few seconds and looked up with a perfunctory. 'State analysis for the mysterious object.'

'Affirmative.' - another personage spoke, as various faces now observed a cylindrical object within their examination: 'Scans indicate this 'capsule' functions as a small storage unit containing an object and a broadcasting a message.'

And thus, a video log displayed on the grand prime screen of the Control room, broadcasting a recorded moving image of a (gender) human specimens.

(Y/n)(L/n)'s face appeared on the screen of the Precursors' ship.


[Hello! Um... This is a, Uh, recorded message for a time capsule that I'm planning to leave here. Like a secret message of some sort.]

the human on the screen spoke with a foreign vocal, in which the Precursors immediately recognized as a (your-language) tongue.

[Chances that some someone actually finds this message is very slim... unless a damn Reaper ate this capsule, Heh... But even if a living being stumbles upon my message then who's ever out there - please hear me out. This is not a distress call nor a death message... nah. This is, well, an honest thank you. A thank you to a dear friend of mine who saved me on my journey, and helped me survive in my toughest times - the Sea Emperor.]

The Precursor hovered in their stance, their nonchalant expression of earlier replaced with a grim slash for a mouth and knitted glare. They watched the video in awe: 'It cannot be...' Precursors podcasted (L/n)'s message, translating every vocal and deciphering every phrase to fathom her/his preaching.

[After 2 years of me being stranded on this planet, I learned a valuable lesson - Survival. The Sea Emperor led me to see the life on this planet that struggled to survive very much like me. This planet... which I once cursed so much for crashing Aurora... held on to its dearest life trying to survive the Kharaa bacterium, even when all hope was lost.

And, if by any chance, the person who's seeing this message is in the same tragedy - then here's my gift.]

(Y/n)'s eyes were now staring directly at the camera as if conversing personally with the Precursor Individual who was speechless the whole time. A sudden hum emitted from the time capsule - a small bottle with a golden substance was presented. The Precursors immediately recognized the substance as Enzyme 42

[I hope that after many decades, this planet will restore it's life back and end the Kharaa infection once and for good. Too bad I won't be here to witness it, I've been long enough here... I'm afraid my time here is ending.]

(Y/n) now starred dreamily at the bright sky above, with a short silence lingering in before smiling.

[I wonder what happened to the Precursors that left this planet.]

Just before the message could end, a cooing hum of small Sea Emperors echoed from the broadcasting video [Mᴀᴍᴀ, ᴍᴀᴍᴀ, ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇғɪsʜ! Lᴇᴛ's ᴘʟᴀʏ! Mᴀᴀᴀ!]


The Precursor Individual moved unhurriedly, their movements choreographed and deliberate as they proclaimed: they courted the opinions of fellow Precursor scientists and listened to what they had to say. He listened, But no matter what his calculations gave him, his glare couldn't leave the image of (Y/n)(L/n)'s face.

The Precursor wondered, how - how can a fragile human specimen reach the deepest, sealed cores of their planet? How did they manage to surpass the threatening danger and most importantly - how did they convince the Ancient Sea Emperor to help?

The Precursor theorized and hypothesized, But even then he could never get a straight answer. Perhaps, if that Precursor reached (Y/n) 5,000 years earlier - they could've met, spoke to each other. But Alas, it wasn't meant to be - after 5,000 years, Planet Terra was long dead and so it's humanity.

The End

For the Sake of Survival [Sea Emperor x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu