Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Desiree Kamel's POV

"I just text my mom. She said she's not gonna be home until 9:30 tonight. She's going out to a birthday party with Julie's mom.", I told Jacob as he concentrated on the road.

"Ok. Well you can come over my house and spend some time with my parents. They really want to see the bride to-be!", he smiled, glancing at me with excitment.

I nodded and held his right hand. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand. After another two hours of driving and stopping for food, we made it back home. After some kissing and some packing up, me and Jacob walked across the street to his house.

"Mom! Dad!! I'm home!", he called out, grinning over at me.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked back.

"Is she here?!!!", his mom yelled from the kitchen.

"What if she wasn't?!", he yelled back, grabbing my hand.

"Well then I would have to beat you up for keeping that beautiful future Mrs. Perez from us! Hey Desire....", she smiled, glaring at Jacob as she came out the kitchen and hugged me.

"Hi Mrs. Perez.", I smiled.

"Oh don't be silly. Call me mom!", she gushed, pulling us into the kitchen where Mr. Perez was looking through the fridge.

"Hey pretty girl! How are you?", he smiled at me, walking up with open arms.

I practically leaped into his arms. Me and him were always close. He pulled back and held me at arms length. I grinned as he looked me up and down.

"Something is different about you.....", he said smiling.

Jacob, his mom, and his dad stood side by side studying me. I got kind of uncomfortable and stepped back a little.

"Did you loose weight?", Jacob's dad asked.

"Did you color your hair?", his mom asked.

"Did you gain weight?", Jacob asked with a small smile.

"No. No. And I will hit you later.", I answered.

"Well I think she still looks as beautiful as ever. She's glowing!!", his mom said with a huge smile.

After a while his mom, Annabelle, was done cooking dinner and so we all sat at the table and ate her homemade pizza.

"I swear mom you are trying to make me blow up.....", I sighed, rubbing my belly.

"No sweetheart.... You did that on your own. But why did you put cucumber on your pizza?"

"I don't know..... Weird period craving?", I laughed, closing my eyes.

It was silent so I opened my eyes and everyone was looking at me.

"What?", I breathed, getting nervous by the second.

Jacob's eyes widened as he took a slow sip of his lemonade.

"Desiree, are you pregnant?", Jacob's dad, Troy, asked, shivering with excitment.

Jacob spit his drink out and I covered my mouth, feeling a gag come on. My eyes widened as I ran to the bathroom and threw up all of the delicious dinner I just had.

"Oh my god.... GRANDBABIES!!!!!", I heard Annabelle gasp and clapping like a circus seal.

I held my forehead while Jacob rubbed my back. All I remember was Jacob kissing my forehead before I got dizzy and blacked out.

To be continued.....

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