Chapter 24

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Author Note: I'm being honest with you guys, this episode is probably the most disturbing ones I have watched. Just everything about it was funny but just wrong. There was just too much incest! So I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that.. hopefully I didn't period! But without further a do,enjoy...

Y/n sat at the table in the mess hall as she blankly watched Quarter Master dangling upside down from the ceiling fan,spinning while the campers threw food and silverware at him. Laughter and cheers emitted through the cabin. It wasn't until the doors were kicked open and stormed in two fed-up counselors.

"Alright, I have had it up to here with all of you!" David shouted, as he held a hand above his waist line. "And I didn't even think that was possible."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at David,confused.

"What?" Max groaned.

"This is the fourth time this week that you've been rude to our dear,dear Quarter Master! Do you think he likes being suspended from the ceiling against his will?" He asked.

"Do not speak for my interests." Quarter Master grumbled.

"I think it's high time you treated him with respect!"

Nikki looked at Quarter Master up and down and shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, we left his pants on."

"Come on,kids! This is shitty! Even by your standards!" Gwen sighed,turning the fan off.

"Which is why today is no longer Wednesday! But the first ever Quarter Master Appreciation Day!... and Wednesday! Now, I want each of you to go out and find-or make- a gift that truly exemplifies your love and admiration for out hardworking groundskeeper! " David declared. Y/n sighed as she looked back at Quarter Master still upside down and slowly easing his spinning to a stop.

"I have given you nothing to revere. I will betray you all when opportunity arises." He stated.

"Is it just me or did anyone else here that?" Y/n asked.

"Ahem! Quarter Master, to try and show you just how much I care about you-"

"You'll be first." He mumbled.

Well I'm definitely not putting effort in my gift. Y/n thought.

"-I went out and found the best gift I could think of! Your last living relative! Well,last one the government knows about!" David smiled.

"You did what now?!" Quarter Master exclaimed.

"Come on in!"

The doors opened as a women, who seemed about Quarter Master's age and was pretty much the women version of him, entered. Everyone beside the staff gasped in disgust at her appearance as she made her way to dangling groundskeeper.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Neil commented.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Y/n added.

"Is that..." Max trailed off.

"Yeppers! It's the Quarter Master's Quarter sister!" David announced.

There was a moment of silence in the room, until the sound Preston puking off to the side of the room was heard. Y/n cleared her throat and pushed down her vomit in her throat with just a swallow of her spit. Quarter sister approached Quarter Master not saying a word. Y/n looked at the old man's emotionless face, but right when his sister blinked her eye he went on full rampage. Y/n was kind of glad that she tied him up, it almost seemed like he wanted to demolish her.


"YOU CAN'T CONTROL MY LIFE! I DO WHAT I WANT,WHEN I WANT!" She spat, waving her hook around. David gasped as he got between the two adults,holding both of them back.

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