Chapter 7

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*I do NOT own this art, credit goes to original owner*

Y/n watched the fire as it provided warmth for her skin and the sound crackling. She let the view consume her mind from reality,trying to avoid the fact that Nikki was sitting between her and Max. Both teens not knowing, they both couldn't get the memory of what happened at the docks out of they're mind. Both wondering why it even happened or what even made it happened in the first place.

Nikki looked at both of the teen's eyes and cleared her throat,addressing to Neil that she 'needed' to talk to him. Purposely leaving Max and Y/n alone together watching the fire (well, not entirely alone, other campers were around) and maybe giving them a chance to talk about what happen. But sadly... they ignored each other the entire time they were sitting next to one of another.

As everyone begin to leave to attire for the night, once again the two teens were left together but this time completely alone. Max got up from the log where he was sitting from and purposely coughed catching Y/n's attention. Y/n looked up to see Max holding out his hand for Y/n's grasp. Y/n shook her head and silently giggle as she placed her hand on top of his, Max helping her up they both started to walk back to their tent. The air was filled with silence between the two but they both didn't care nor mind at the moment. Both not knowing but they couldn't get they're mind off of the small moment they shared at the docks.

'Why?' was really the question that kept on replaying over and over in they're heads. Both not sure if they liked each other nor not knowing why the urge begin to start in the first place.
Max laid awake in his cot, mind racing and repeating the last memory he could think of.

Y/n's lips were moving closer towards his, inch by inch. Just thinking about (without knowing) was making his cheeks slightly warm. Grabbing his extra pillow he slammed it against his face to mute out his frustrated growls. But his raspy voice was still audible through the stuffed fabric, perking up Y/n's ears. Tossing and turning,Y/n sat up and scratched her pre-bed head hair. She rubbed her eyes finally noticing Max's discomfort, she cleared her throat asking if Max was alright. He quickly removed the pillow off of his face and jolted up looking at Y/n's sleepy figure. He awkwardly smiled and waved his actions off, just replying with 'I'm fine.'. But Y/n wasn't buying, smirking she walked over to Max's cot and sat down next to him.

"Now tell me the truth,Max. Come on, it can't be that bad." Y/n said,nudging Max's arm. Max averted his eyes towards the ground as he rubbed the back of his head. Y/n quietly chuckled and ruffled Max's black poofy hair before sliding off of his bed. Before she could set another foot away from his bed Y/n felt a firm grip around her wrist,turning around she met Max's piercing mountain meadow colored eyes, almost like as if they were glowing through the darkness (accompanied by some moonlight).

" I um... the docks.." He mumbled, but was still audible. Y/n's eyebrows raised as so did the heat in her cheeks, remembering what all that happened.

"What about the docks?" She asked,obviously knowing what he might say next.

"That moment we shared... it meant nothing right? It just happened,because it was you know?, a 'moment'?"

Y/n felt a big pain in her heart when his words sunk in but she was definitely not gonna let that show,not in front of Max that is. Pushing out a smile and humbly agreed with Max, she gently removed her hand out of his grip and walked back to her bed. Rummaging through her blankets and getting comfortable , she faced her back towards Max.

"Um... goodnight?" Max said, but sadly no vocal response from Y/n except holding up a small thumbs up. Lowering her hand, she swiped her previous fallen tears from the corner of her eyes.

Max eyebrows furrowed as he sighed before laying back down. Once his head was pressed against the stuffed fabric he rolled over to become face to face with Mr.HoneyNuts, who he imagined was staring at him. Max gently place his tanned index finger on top of Mr.HoneyNuts's paw and sighed once, trying to seek the answer in why the things he said to Y/n he started to regret.. and deep down that there was something else he wanted to say but he didn't know what exactly... he turned his head around to face Y/n's side of the tent. And there she was, even though her back side was facing him her figure that was peaking out slightly under her blankets still appealed to him. So many thoughts scrambling and bouncing in and out of his mind a certain thought stood out and made him flustered. Turning his head back to his side and face palming himself, removing his hand he looked at Mr.HoneyNuts and mouthed something to him which made Max grunt before covering his face with his covers,drifting off to sleep .


" Mr.HoneyNuts, I think I might have a small liking on a certain someone..."

Word Count: 909

I hope you liked this chapter and please leave comment if you want, I love reading them and responding to them! lol


YummKimchii <3

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