Once we were away from the crowd and in the safety of the backstage hallways, I felt my weight being shifted. "I can take it from here," I barely heard a voice say as my small frame was lifted bridal style into someone else's arms. The person started walking away and I felt my cheek rub against faux leather as we carried onward.

A few minutes later, I was laid down onto a locker room bench. I moaned in pain as my head hit the metal and I brought my hand up to rub my pounding skull. After a few moments, a cool sensation went through my skin as a cold rag was dabbed on my forehead. I slowly fluttered my eyelids open and saw two chocolate brown eyes above me.

"S-Seth?" I questioned, sitting up. However, I was too weak to lift myself and Seth his wrapped his arms around my midsection to support me.

"Careful," he said, his voice almost emotionless except for the small hint of concern. "How's your head?"

"Ugh," I sighed as my brain continued to throb. "It's pounding like crazy."

I heard Seth lightly curse under his breath. "Ok, just lay back down. I'll go get you an Advil or something." I nodded and lowered myself onto my back as he walked over to his collection of bags.

Paige had blindsided me. How had I not seen it? Why hadn't I been able to see through her fake smile and generous offers? I thought we were friends. Why'd I have to be so stupid?!

I covered my face with my hands as I felt tears start to glisten. A hand pulled them away.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Seth asked, worried as streams began to flow down my cheeks.

"N-Nothing," I barely choked out. Seth pulled me upwards and helped me balance myself before caressing my cheek in his hand.

"It's ok, I get it. I know I'm probably the last person you'd expect to know anything about being betrayed, but trust me, I get it," he said. Seth grabbed the Advil and bottle of water that were resting on the bench. "Take this, it'll help your head."

I obeyed and plopped the pill into my mouth before washing it down. I looked up at him questionably. "W-Why are you helping me?"

Seth chuckled to himself. "I had a feeling you'd ask that. I owe Punk a favor. That and..." he stopped for a brief moment, taking a deep breath. "That and I feel like I need to prove to myself that you can trust me."

I looked at him dead in the eyes. They were easy to read. Cold, dark, lonely, but at the same time strong and alive. I wrapped my arms around myself. "Thanks, but what does Punk have to do with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you said that you owed Punk a favor. What does helping me have to do with repaying him?" I asked. Seth simply stared at me for a few seconds before her started...


"You're acting like you don't already know," he said in between faint giggles. I tilted my head in confusion.

"No, I really don't know," I said. Seth's laughter gently came to a halt and he brought his left leg up to sit on the bench before resting his chin on his knee.

"He's in love with you," Seth said. My eyes widened, but he didn't seem to notice as he kept speaking. "And he'd kill me if I let anything happen-"

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, leaning in towards him. "He's what?"

"He's in love with you," Seth said. He examined my shocked expression. "Have you really not noticed?"

I shook my head. "H-How do you know? When did he tell you?"

"He's never told me, but come on, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out," he said. "When I used to work for Heyman, he was always cursing at Ziggler for wrapping his arm around you and watching your matches to make sure you didn't get hurt-"

"He told me that he didn't know if he loved me," I said. I wanted to make sure everything lined up before my heart started to swell.

"He may not have known it, but everyone else did. Dean and I were always making fun of him for it," Seth said, looking at his feet. I stood up abruptly, not caring if I got light headed.

"He loves me?" Seth nodded, head still down. H-He loves me!" I said to myself, smiling from ear to ear. "I-I've got to get to Chicago, I've got to-"

Suddenly, my knee gave out and I toppled to my left. Seth caught me just in time. "You alright?"

"I've got to get to him, I've got to tell him I love him!" I continued to let my happiness spill from my mouth. Seth helped my balance myself and took hold of my shoulders.

"Woah, hold it. You're not going anywhere. One, we're in Miami, and two, you're in no state to drive yourself to Illinois," he said. My smile faded and my lips curved into a straight line.

"Oh," I said. I looked down at my hands, realizing how silly I sounded. I'd let my emotions take control again. "Sorry."

Seth noticed my change in expression. "Hey, it's no big deal-"

"I let my emotions fog my head again-" I began to say until he pulled me into his arms. My eyes widened in shock.

"Don't apologize," Seth whispered. He loosened his grip around my waist so I was looking him in the eye. "I'll get you to him, don't worry. Just go back to the Diva's locker room and get yourself checked out by the medics, ok?"

I nodded and he let go of me. I started walking towards the door, but not before looking back over my shoulder at Seth. He was sitting on the bench again, the briefcase in his hands as he stared at it with regret. I silently slipped out the door and walked down the corridors.

The lifeless Money in the Bank briefcase was the only thing Seth had left. No friends, no teammates, only the indefinite support of a few people a little stronger than himself.

It reminded me of a poor little girl from New Jersey, sitting in the locker room with only the comfort of a belt to keep her company.

A/N: Aww, isn't that adorable? So, we know AJ and Punk both love each other. The question is when are they finally gonna get to confess it to each other? Ha ha, dun dun dun!!!

Seth's gonna be my little henchmen now. He's gonna be AJ's little buddy because I'm selfish and I love him.

I guess now here comes the bad news. My computer caught a virus and I don't know when I'm gonna be able to get it fixed, so chapters may be a little delayed. I wrote this whole chapter on my phone and it was a little difficult, so we'll just see how it all works out.

Sorry this chapter stinks. I'll update as soon as I can! :)

- El ♥️

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