; intro ;

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hello there! i really appreciate the quick step you took into my book! i think we're already gonna be great friends. my intros are just a little long, but it would mean the world to me if you read it all the way through <3


; ground rules ;

these stay exactly the same in every one of my books, word for word. no i don't copy and paste, what are you talking about, you hooligan.

one). be nice. this is a place to enjoy some (hopefully good) writing and let yourself relax and have fun. all of my books are nothing if not safe places for anyone to unwind, calm down, and be themselves. i will not tolerate any hostile behavior, and on that note, i will not hesitate to delete comments and block people, if need be. just don't be a butt and we won't have any problems. :)

two). some references are intentional, but i don't make any connections to any other fics in any of my work and i'd really appreciate it if you didn't comment things related to that. ex- ryan was kneeling in the bathtub, and so on. i try my very hardest to make original content, and while i'm very glad that something in my story reminds you of another one, i'd really like it if you didn't comment on it. i most likely won't delete your comment, because you probably aren't doing it to be hurtful, but i'd like it a lot if you didn't.

three). please be mature. i work my butt off on my fics and it hurts the worst when i get a comment on my grammar or a misspelling. there's a 99% chance that it's not supposed to be there, and i'd much rather get comments on what you guys think of the story rather than a thread of thirty comments talking about how i misspelled duck. once or twice is okay so that i am aware of what needs to be changed, but if someone's already said something, it just feels like a mockery.

four). don't plagiarize my work. i will hunt you down and say mean things. seriously. just don't. if you like an idea of mine, or you are inspired by something that i wrote, just dm me and we can work something out. i'm super nice, i just want credit where credit is due.

five). please just follow the rules, pal. it makes both of our lives easier.


; a lil about me ;

these change just about every time so i guess if you wanna know more about me (which is doubtful, cause im annoying and boring :c) you can just skim quickly through the intros of all of my books! so far this is only #2, but i have many more planned!

my name is luna

(just kidding, it's not, but putting my real name on here spooks me out so) (update: i decided that if you wanna you can guess what my real name is in the comments! it's really similar to the one that i'm using)

i like doing origami and puzzles

im gonna be a freshman in highschool this upcoming year!

i always always always wanna make new friends on here, but im a tad awkward, so bear that in mind before you subject yourself to a conversation with me


; synopsis ;

It was routine.

    Every Sunday night, at exactly 2:30am, Tyler went downtown to the 24 hour local laundromat to wash his clothes.

    It was gave him something to do, because Lord knows he wouldn't be sleeping.

    It was at a time when no one else came.

    And it allowed him as much time as he needed to jam out to any music he liked.

    Lindsey, the kind lady who worked the night shift, knew him well and never minded. She was usually behind the front desk drawing anyways. She never paid him any mind and he liked it that way.

    Everything was perfect.



    Until the laundromat hired a new boy, one that worked flexible hours.

    Who happened to quite like the Sunday night shift.


; note thing i guess?? ive never done this before aaa ;

mkay! im actually supersuper excited for this story, i came up with it one day while i was folding laundry and dancing like a dummy to rex orange county. i really hope you like it!


; dedication ;

this book is for nathan, who's so stunning and perfect but just out of reach

; laundromat ;Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt