Day After Tragedy

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(Steve's P.O.V)
   Peter walked up to me slowly with no emotion what so ever. He was about two steps from me and he collapsed in my arms. The room was dead silent other than Peters sobs. I ran my fingers through his hair. I didn't know why he was crying all I could say was "Its ok Peter. Its fine we where just worried." I gave Tony a questioning look. Peter slowly lifted his head off my chest and said in a low scratchy voice "I failed as a leader Nova is in S.H.E.I.L.D hospital because of me." "What happened Pete?" Tony said putting his hand on his shoulder. "We where on patrol when we ambushed by carnage. Carnage kidnapped a guy and dangled him off a building then dropped him Nova saved him then disappeared as we where fighting Carnage Nova tackled him almost into space then we lost sight and then Nova fell from the sky." We did our best to console Peter but to no use he just went to his room and wasn't heard the rest of the night.

(Peter's P.O.V)
   I woke up at my desk and hopped in the shower. "Hey Jarvis can you call Tandy?" "Right away sir." After a few seconds Wade answered the phone "Hey Pet- Are you in the shower?" I washed the soap off my face "WADE WHY DO YOU HAVE TANDY'S PHONE!""Oh she is asleep and so is Tyrone." He turned around the camera and Tandy and Tyrone where leaning against each other asleep. "Fine me and Danny will be there soon do you guys want breakfast.""Hell Yea!""Ok I got to go see you soon" I hung up and got out and dried off then got dressed.
   When I went when in the kitchen I saw dad and pops where in the kitchen and the others where probably on a mission. "Hey Dad. Hey Pops." They said good morning."How you doing Pete?" Steve asked. "I could be better, Do you think you can make breakfast so I can bring it to my friends at the hospital.""Sure thing bud." Pops said as he started the stove.

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