Tainted Blood

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(Flashback)(Nova's P.O.V)

   I tackled Carnage and flew high above the clouds and into the atmosphere then suddenly he broke free. We were in free fall now and he was kicking and punching and trying to make me into a kebab. Then I wrapped him in a bear hug. His body turned into a ball of spikes. I dodged all the spiked but one hit me in the shoulder and Carnage went into my blood stream. The pain was horrible and I started to pass out as I fell back to earth the last thing I remember is falling then here Cloaks cloak flap in the wind as I was sucked in. Then I was silenced and I blacked out.

(Present)(Peter's P.O.V)
   We all sit in the waiting room thinking about what just happened. The doctor came out with a not so good look. Tandy stood up "Is he ok can we see him!?" The doctor looked her in the eyes and said "Hes not doing well I think you kids should go home well call you if anything happens." Then he walked out. "I'm staying here for tonight guys." Tandy said getting teary eyed. "Good idea you and Tyrone stay here tonight and me, Wade and Danny will be here tomorrow." We hugged and me and Danny left. I swung Danny home then I went home now realizing im 4 hours late.
   I got home and entered the living area where I saw uncle Bruce standing looking out the window. "You guys call off the search he's home." Bruce said as he ran up and hugged me."WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! WE HAD A AVENGERS SEARCH PARTY LOOKING FOR YOU!" I was dead silent. Dad Flew in carrying pops then uncle Clint and soon all the avengers where in the living room "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE!NEVER SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN." Everyone was screaming. I stood there silent with a blank expression. I slowly stepped towards dad and pops. and collapsed in pops arms crying. While crying and gasping for air I kept repeating " I failed." I did I failed as a leader and now Novas In the hospital.

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