Chapter 16 No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk

Start from the beginning

Cole climbed out of the shoved in locker and wiped off some pencil shavings and a screw. He then started to walk over to where we were. Mr, Dalton's face twisted to one of irritation. "Mr. Kingston we have not seen you for a while. Where have you bee-.", Cole didn't even give him a glance as his gaze was focused completely on me. His eyes held such distraught. "I heard from the boys. A-are you ok?" he said while gabbing my arms and inspecting every inch of them. "I-I'm n-not in any pain if that's what you mean." I said. Cole gave me a disbelieving look and continued his search. He finally ended with my face carefully turning it from side to side. He gently tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear when he was satisfied I was not injured.

He then pulled me in for a death crushing hug. Well when I said I was fine before, I wasn't now. "I am so sorry Riley. I was just so mad at you that I...I c-couldn't deal with the amount of jealousy. I have never felt this protective of anyone before. I should have never put you in that kind of situation. I never knew that she would go off and on you like that.". He said still holding me in that bone-ripping hug."C-Cole.....a-air." He seemed to then realize that I require oxygen to live cause he then released me."Sorry,", he said while patting me on the head.

Mr. Dalton cleared his throat. I blushed. I totally he forgot his existence for a second. "Are you telling me you caused the whole ordeal?' Mr Dalton said with small frown on his usually brightened face. "Well, not really. He was hugging me when Chelsea came out with her dramatic self and thought that she owned Cole cause she confronted me. It wasn't really Cole's fault that she acted out like that.", I said feeling much better with Cole by my side. 'Cause he is you mate dummy' 'No sh*t', I replied to Misty. "I see. However, Cole, why were you not in school these past couple of weeks.", Mr. Dalton asked the inevitable.

Oh I didn't tell you, I am a werewolf and Riley is my mate and I though that she was dead so I almost went insane and blindly headed in the direction of where I felt her presence last. In the process I shifted into my wolf and knocked down a couple of 40 foot pines effectively cracking my hind legs twisting my spine and almost severing a few muscles. But you know, its all well here as I am just about healed cause I heal faster then you petty humans heal. No offense its just you guys heal really slow and all. But Yeah other than that I think its cause I am lazy.

I thought about the truth and thought maybe it would not be the best course. I looked up at Cole anxious for his response. "I had to go to Canada. My father was restoring some old funds and wanted to show me the ropes since I will follow in his footsteps.. However I became sick and was bedridden for I week in Canada before I was well enough to fly home where I remained sick.. I apologize that I did not send word of this. I was just so excited to see Riley for the first time today that I rushed into school. I am actually supposed to be home resting for the next week due to doctor's orders.", he lied so smoothly that I would have believed him had I not known what really went down.

"Oh, how unfortunate, I do hope you feel better Mr. Kingston. However, why did you wish to see Riley?", Mr. Dalton said suspicious. Cole gave him that look. You know that look. Its the look you give a person when they ask that ridiculous question. For instance."How much does a five-dollar foot long?".Or "Do unicorns even exist?" They do. They do. Don't deny it.

Cole blinked twice before answering. "Because I love her, obviously." While Mr. Dalton stood there in a shell-shocked daze, I blushed and sputtered. "W--w-w-wha-h-h-how-w-w-whe-since-wh-". Cole just smirked. "No need to take her home, I will be doing that. No matter how sick I am, I will always come for Riley.", Cole said as he led me still sputtering down the hallway. Mr. Dalton smiled warmly. "No use crying over spilt milk.", he said to no one in particular.

{}{}{}{}{}}{}{}{}}{{}{}}{}{{{}LITTLE INFO ON MR. DALTON BELOW{}{}{}{}{}{}{}



I hope that you guys enjoyed my die-hard effort to try and work Mr. D into an actually seen. for those who have forgotten Mr. Dalton is the gym teacher and only staff who holds any real affections or responsibility for Riley. He used to be her only friend till the boys. I know sad, but true.


be good little unicorns and fairies and have a good night.or day.or miday.or sunny day, or stormy day, or midnight. It dont matter Be free and live.


Cast >gathered around in a circle

Author> walks by and stops

Author:What are you guys doing?

Cole:Roasting hotdog and marshamallows



Author.rubs head virogiously

Author:Then how are you ROASTING THINGS

Cast >steps away from the heat


Cole:Riley is blushing an inferno red.

Cast:She's soooo waaaaaarrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm

Author> deadpans


Emily: Since our author is currently being recharged

Lillian:We have and announcement

Lyla:We know she has promised you over and over again

Emily: she would do a vacation BACKSTAGE

Lyla: so we understnad if you are alittle outrag-


Emily and Lyla: 0-0 !!!!!Thats a bit extreme

Lyla: and not how I was gonna put it

Emily: she was going to say that the next xhapter will be a BACKSTAGE=Christmas brings Summer edition

Lyla:So stayed tuned for next time

Lillian> mumbles in the corner while playing with her pitchfork :: I even sharpened it

Emily and Lyla: -_-

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