Chapter 6 Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genius.

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HI, MY LITTLE FAIRIES!!!!!!!!...............................too much............................Yea, tooooo much. Ok lets get down to buiz. Umm I have already typed this chapter twice so this is my third time typing it, thanks to my dumbo sisters' laptop.  I forgot to add the chapter title so when I saved.. it did not really save, sooooo, yea. Here I am, my poor self, once again writing another chapter. Well in the words of Harry Styles, Let's do this poo! Well in this case, I am writing it your reading it, so umm. Yea just enjoy the chapter


Chapter 6 - Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genuis

{Riley POV}

I stood dazed as Cole drove away and.... WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!?! Did he just say that I am gonna be guarded by the boys and him.  Has he gone insane. It was bad enough that they all sat with me at lunch, but now, now they want to protect me. Has he gone to the loco-dumbo { no offense dumbo, I think your really cool, I wish I had ears to fly with} pin. After lunch, all the girls kept giving me the evil eye, more like the glares of Hades. I don't think I would live if they actually walked me to class or worse, waited outside the bathroom for me. Well actually I wouldn't mind Coles being in the bathro- ack!!! Bad Riley, bad girl. Damn him and his cursed sexiness. Oh! who am I kidding. I know he is hot and there really is no point in denying it. Sigh. I walked towards the stairs and that is when my mom decided to make an appearance. "Oh darling, wasn't Cole just a cutie. So tell me, do you like him? Do you promise to be safe until after college?  I will make sure the wedding is in Paris on the Eiffel tower. How many grand babies will you be having? I need to start preparing to knit for my grand babies. Oh and- " " MOOOOOOMM!!! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??!!!???", I screamed horrified. Yes, I admit he is a Greek god from the book of perfection, but that does not mean that he likes me. I don't even have feelings for him. Though somewhere inside me, i think I have already. Oh oreos, that sounds so cheesy and cliche and everything else. Bleh! "Oh sweetie, I am only teasing......Maybe", she said before kissing me in the cheek and laughing out the door. "Bye, sugar plum, I will be in Japan for 2-4 months. Call me and skype every  3 or 4 nights unless it is an emergency, Kay", mom said as she neared the door to the garage. "Ok, love you mom", I said. She turned around and smiled "Love you more", she said. " i love you most", I grinned and went upstairs to take a shower. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower and turned on the massage machine, letting it massage the tension and knots out of my back.  While in the shower my stupid mind drifted back to when Cole pushed me down on the bed.  What was that? It was like he was in pain, but was a-a-aroused. > Lets inert a major blush<.. I want to know why. I mean, I know he said I was beautiful, which I am finding quite hard to believe, but I don't see what he likes about me. What made him so excited?  ' It is because he is your mate. It is only naturally that he is attracted to you", 'Misty said. Oh yeah, I forgot. He is my so called "mate". That i don't really understand, though it is supposedly common werewolf knowledge. I sighed. My brain will become zombie food if I keep thinking too much. Damn school. I am staying home tomorrow. ------Next morning HONK! HONK! 'GRRRRRRRRR!!!", I growled. What the hell. I slithered out of my bed and rolled on the floor down the hall to the window at the front of the stairs. I looked out the window and groaned. Outside parked on the side of my house was a  shiny black Cadillac escalade and four striking werewolves walked out.  A few seconds later they were pawing at my door. Bellina opened the door and I crawled back to my bed and climbed in. I pulled the covers over my head only for them to be drew back by a frick'in sexy idiot. "WHAT?!", I snapped as he smiled down at me like the stalker he is. "It's time to go to school. Sleepyhead.", He then frowned. AWW he looks so confused. "Why aren't you dressed and out of bed?", he asked like I was going to school. 'Uh, I thought that by staying in bed, anyone who saw me would know I am NOT going to school>", I said and then pulled my covers over my head and curled up. i then heard more footsteps at the door step. 'AWW!! she looks like a little puppy in a basket. She is soo CUTE", I heard Lewis Followed by a whack. "Is she sleeping? Can we pet her? Please, we just want to touch her hair. It is so fluffy looking.", I heard Lewis and surprisingly Jason and Michael say. I then heard Cole growl. "NO! No one can touch my mate except for me.", Cole said sounding a tad bit on the possessive side. 'But, we wanna. Just her hair that is all. Nothing else, we swear. No funny business, just the hair. I popped out of the blanket to see four psychotic creepy sleep watchers starring me down with scary grins on their face. 'WHAT THE HELL????!!!!", I screamed as I pushed them off of my bed. So that was why it felt like a zoo decided to land on my bed. "We should make a blog about how cute she is, especially when she is mad.", said Jason smiling evilly at me.  I am pretty sure my horror stricken face was quite the sight to see because the boys stopped laughing. "Hey we were just kidding sweet pea", said Cole, as he caressed my cheek with an emotion I could not really read. I unconsciously shivered and sneezed. "AWWWWWW!! That was the cutest sneeze you could every hear", Lewis said a little too enthusiastically for my taste. "Are you gay?", I said with a straight face.  Lewis face twisted into a frown. 'How did you know?", he asked as he leaned in causing Cole to growl. "He isn't gay, but if he comes any closer, I promise he won't have the parts of a male.", Cole said, making Lewis retract . " Can you guys please, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!?!!!!"', I yelled. "As soon as you get your lazy arse out of bed and get ready for school. we are taking you.", Cole said matter-of-factly.  "Ok, just get out so I can get ready.", I said ushering them to the door like a normal person. AKA shoving their lazy arse out and throwing pillows at them. As soon as I closed and locked the door, i dove back into my bed and sighed with relief. That is so cute. They really think I am going to school. _______1 hour later                                        "RILEY GET OUT OF THAT ROOM THIS INSTANT " Cole yelled for the twelfth time. You know this plan kind of backfired because now they are yelling and I can't get any sleep. 'Like I said before, I am getting ready. It just takes time." I sweetly replied before turning on my tv and watching an episode of psych. I love that show. Guss and Shawn are hilarious.  "Is she watching psych?", I heard Michael ask. '"Yep, I just heard Guss and Shawn argue"'. Answered Cole. "Oh I didn't know you guys liked Psych. I would let you in to watch, but I am not. You know, cause you might take me to school.", I said as I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. After a ten minute shower, I walked into my closet. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a purple see-through shirt.I grabbed my book bag and put 4 bags of skittles, 2 muffins, a ham and cheese sandwich, and three Sunkist sodas into the bag along with my phone and 2 books. I opened up my window and walked out on the roof. I used my claws to claw my way to the back side and I hoped onto one of the oak trees in the back yard and hoped over the fence. Once over I ran over to the house shed and entered. There are three cars inside . My mom calls them emergency cars, though we use them like all the time. I jumped into my green camaro convertible with black stripes. I opened the garage and drove off.  I drove up tp the front door of the house and honked my horn. Bellina and the guys came out looking shocked. "Bye-bye boys.", I yelled and zoomed off.There is no way that they would turn into werewolves in front of bellina, a person who is not a werewolf, and has no knowledge of us. MWAHAHHAHAHAHA i am a genius. Thank you, you are a wonderful crowd. I turned on my radio and 'Fast in my car' by Paramore came on. I started speeding and singing along with the lyrics.I drove toward one of the parks and parked at the entrance.  I jumped out and put the keys into my pocket. I walked for a while listening to my headphones, until I started to smell alcohol, and smoke.  It made me a little wheezy so I sat down  on a bench. I then smelt the smell of  baking soda was mixed in with the smoke and I immediately knew who was coming my way. "Hey, aren't you that girl everyone calls freak.", he said stopping a few feet away from me. I froze. "What's the matter, Cat got your tongue?", he smirked and sat on the other end of the bench. "More like dog, I prefer them over cats.", I said in all seriousness. He laughed, showing off his pearly white teeth in a goofy, yet boyish grin. It was kind of cute, but nothing like Cole's frick'in goddess alluring smile from the sun. WAIT. Since when do I compare Cole and other guys. In fact I don't  compare boys. ever. "So, why are you ditching school. I would expect a good girl like you to be in school all the time.", he said leaning in a little. "I could ask you the same question", I retorted, getting used to his unusual scent. "Well, I could care less about school. Actually i barely go to any class at all.", he said grinning. "I know that, but I don't get it. How do you still have straight B's?"', I asked so confused on how that is even possible. he burst out laughing like a mad man again. "The truth is, I could actually be a genius if I tried.", he said. "i just don't see the point since, I am an only child, which means I will eventually be taking over the family business. There is really no use in me trying to become something else, when either way, I am gonna end up taking the name of my father and his business. So I figured why even try.", he said and finished by laughing a humorless laugh. I cringed. "Emily would never force me into taking over Colestone Inc. She said I should follow my own path. Do what I believe is good for me. Be unique and do what I want to.", I said smiling at that memory. "Lucky you, you probably don't know what it is like living in the shadows of a so-called "great" man.", he said snidely . I flinched. "Well that may be true, but you have no idea what is like to live every day without anything. No friends, no one wants to talk to a freak like me, and you are spat upon everyone, looked down on, and what have I done to them. NOTHING. Why? Why do people always have to be so cruel to those they don't know? Those they don't understand?", I said with a slight hint of malice in my voice. "Wow. I never thought about how hard it must be for you.", he said his eyebrows lifting. "Yeah. I also did not know that some rich kids life weren't as easy as I thought.", I said frowning just a little. "Aww. If I had known you would cry about it, I would not have told you.", he said, but I could tell by his tone he was joking, I think. I smiled very softly. "So, you never told me why you are skipping.", he said taking interest in the subject. "I just did not feel like going to school. I actually do this alot, and my mom is cool with it.", I said almost automatically. I promise, his eyes grew the size of saucers on steroids. "You mom allows you to skip school whenever you want? That's crazy. My dad would kill me if he knew I skipped all the time. And before you ask, he thinks I am in school now.", he said "Yeah, I guess my mom just understands me like that. Also she is worried about how I come home with bruises instead of friends.", i said softly. "What? What do you mean bruises instead of friends? are you saying that they not only bully you, but give you bruises?", he said sounding angry. Before I could answer his phone rang. He pulled out a samsung galaxy and read a text.  "Damn. I got to go, but this discussion is not over.", he said while running a hand through my hair. He then stood, turned around and walked away, leaving me dazed and in complete shock. I ate my snacks and drank my sodas in peace then walked for a while. I then got two hot dogs ate them and then drove home. I groaned when I saw a shiny black Cadillac escalade. I had a lot of explaining to do.


YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY> i finally finished the chapter. I am so happy. i could eat cake all day and be fat like. well actually i do that all the time, so..... nevermind. Well there you go my little people you finally got your chappy. And as much as I will miss writing your chapters....................... NOTE MY SARCASM....................... I need to pass out from echaustion, because i spent all of my mind power I had left from school to write this chapter. so yeah


Riley: sigh. I finally escaped that sexy bastard. MWAHAHAHAHA. I knew he'd give into my puppy  face. >

Riley runs to freedom<

>Cole passed out from cuteness

< 15 minutes later >

Riley cones back from the park<

Riley: La la lalalala La lala la la

Cole: where the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN

Riley: at the park with Justin

Cole: oh that's al- WHAAAAAAATTTTT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Emily :what the heck is going through Cole's mind

Emily: Will backstage finally have a 24/7 red velvet stand

Emily: will the author get fat from eating so much

Author: EMILY!!!!

____________________________ Mkay ByeBye




and all that shiz

The Alphas' Little LunaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon