34. Dance For Me

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A/N: Just to let you know this chapter includes smut (I know, I've really pushed the boat out with this one 😂) and because it's my first time writing it I beg you please be kind to me - it's not good. Many thanks and I hope you enjoy the chapter!


THE WEEKS THAT FOLLOWED WERE SOME OF THE HAPPIEST I'D HAD IN YEARS, AND FOR ONCE, IT FELT LIKE LIFE WAS FINALLY LOOKING UP. I'd sworn Penny to secrecy after our discussion at her house, making her promise she wouldn't let slip to Freddie or any of our friends for that matter what was going on. As for Roger and I, our 'relationship' had slowly, but surely, progressed (apart from the inevitable bickering of course). We may not have been anything serious yet, it didn't stop us becoming familiar with each other, and by that I mean very familiar. Now I knew Roger had a high sex drive but nowhere near as out of control as I thought it was. It had gone from a quickie here and there to ripping off each other's clothes whenever we were in the same room. And for someone who's libido had been previously non-existent, for me that was very...um, different. But the most important thing was I was happy and Roger was happy the way things stood between us, I'd asked him enough times. And at the moment that was all that mattered to me.

'What are you doing?' Roger asked me when he woke up one Sunday morning, opening his eyes which he struggled to adjust to the light pouring through the window panes.

Sitting on his bed facing him with the sketchbook he'd bought me in one hand and a pencil in the other, I looked up at the blonde and smirked, 'Take a wild guess.'

Trying to see over the top of my book, he asked, 'Are you drawing me?' before attempting to take it out of my hand, 'Let's see.'

I moved it out of his reach, 'No, I'm not finished yet.'

'Heidi, if you're going to draw me when I'm asleep, without me knowing, I'll want to bloody see it!'

Although I knew he was joking, I sighed defeatedly and passed him the sketchbook, 'Fine, if it'll shut you up. God, you're such a drama queen.'

Chuckling at me, the drummer looked at my half finished drawing of him, 'Wow. This is amazing, love. I'm telling you, you could give any professional artist a run for their money.'

'Mm, I don't know about that.' I murmured honestly.

Glancing at me, Roger gave me a perplexed look, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, 'Is that my shirt you're wearing?'

Looking down at the floral shirt hanging off my back, I replied innocently, 'So it is. I would have worn my own...had you not ripped the buttons off it last night trying to get it off me.'

'My apologies,' he winked, not sorry at all, 'Looks good on you.'

'Cheers.' I smiled sweetly, as he gave me my sketchbook back, 'Now pretend you're asleep, you've moved out of place.'

After finishing my drawing and scolding Roger for moving several times later, the two of us lay in bed too lazy to get up, him under the covers and me lying horizontally on top of them, whilst using the drummer's torso as a pillow.

'Y'know, it's your birthday next week, we should celebrate.' I reminded him.

'I dunno...23 isn't exactly an important milestone, is it?'

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