13. What Are The Chances?

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THE NOISE OF EXCITED CHATTER WAS LOUD AS BRIAN AND I STOOD OUTSIDE THE THEATRE IN THE QUEUE OF OTHER CONCERT GOERS, waiting eagerly for the doors to open so they could all rush inside. Thankfully, it was a cool, dry night tonight; so standing out in the pouring rain, like I'd done on many occasions whilst waiting in line for a concert, wouldn't be an issue, although the harsh breeze meant the temperature was certainly far from warm.

Shoving my hands in my jacket pockets, I leant against the brick wall as Brian and I stood close to each other, trying to keep warm. After half an hour of being out on the street, the chilly air started to get to me as my face went numb and my nose started to go red. If I'd known how cold it would be, I would have brought a hat, gloves and a scarf....

'You'd think they'd open the doors a bit earlier considering it's like the bloody Arctic out here,' I shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

'They're probably still busy setting up,' Brian told me, 'The BBC are recording this performance, you see, so it'll be taking longer than usual getting ready.'

'I suppose that's true,' I replied. Wanting to check the time, I looked down at my wrist only to realise that I had stupidly forgot to put it on before going out, 'I left my watch at home,' I sighed, '...how long till doors open?'

Brian pulled his sleeve up, squinting his eyes as he tried to read his wristwatch in the glow of the dim streetlights, '10 minutes. Give or take.'

'Wonderful...' I said sarcastically, tilting my head back in exasperation and expected just to lightly tap it against the wall. However, I misjudged how close it was and knocked my head quite forcefully off the side of the building instead, sending a shooting pain rushing through my skull, 'Bugger!'

'Careful!' Brian laughed at me, 'Are you trying to give yourself a concussion, or something?'

'Not intentionally,' I started laughing too, rubbing the area where I'd bumped my head off the wall, 'That's what I get for being an impatient cow, I suppose.'

Brian smirked, 'Yeah, I suppose.'

Pulling a face at the guitarist, I crossed my arms as the two of us went silent and continued to wait in line. Whilst I occupied myself by blowing on my hands to keep them from turning into blocks of ice, I scanned the faces in the queue curiously in hope maybe I'd clock someone I knew, although I didn't recognise anyone at first. That was, until, a laugh from someone further in front of me suddenly grabbed my attention.

There, standing in the luminosity of the streetlight as he smoked a cigarette, was Colin, smiling and joking with his friends whilst I remained where I was totally motionless, as if frozen to the spot. He may have been a fair distance away from me, but I could tell it was him. And as soon as I realised that it was, I couldn't help it when my eyes kept wandering back to the Scottish dreamboat every so often, watching his every move like some besotted weirdo. Nevertheless, when I turned my head to steal another glance at him, Colin turned his head in my direction and his gaze met with mine, sending my stomach into a frenzy of somersaults.

Obviously realising who I was, he excused himself from his group and made his way through the crowd, until he was stood in front of Brian and I.

'Heidi,' Colin beamed, 'How y'doing? Fancy seeing you here.'

'I know, what are the chances, eh?' I replied, giddily, 'And I-I'm good, how are you?'

'Aye, no bad, no bad,' he shrugged, 'Baltic out here, though, isn't it?'

'I know,' I agreed, 'I was just saying to Brian that you'd think they'd open the doors and let people in early because it's so cold out here, but they're not that generous apparently.'

It then occurred me that I hadn't introduced Colin to Brian yet, who was staring down at the Scot with a less than welcoming expression on his face.

'Oh, um, Brian; I'd like you to meet Colin. He's in my Chemistry class. Colin, this is my friend, Brian. He's studying at Imperial as well.'

Reluctantly reaching out to shake each other's hands, Colin said with a confident smile, 'Well, well, if it isn't Brian May. It's been a while, mate; your hair has gotten bigger since the last time I saw you.'

'Always were the comedian, weren't you, Donaghue?' Brian replied in a deadpan tone as the two of them retracted their hands and didn't say another word.

Well, this is awkward.

After a few more seconds of unbearable tension, I asked Colin, 'So, are you excited for the show?'

'Yeah, I love Deep Purple,' he told me, 'Y'know, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to stand together during the show, but I see you're attending with Brian here, so I don't want to spoil your plans.'

'Wait,' I replied way too quickly, as I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, 'We'd would love to stand with you, Colin. You don't mind, do you Bri?'

Looking at the guitarist with pleading eyes, Brian sighed defeatedly, 'No...'

My face lit up, 'See? No problem at all.'

Beaming happily back at me, Colin replied, 'Alright, it's settled then,' as the people in front of us started to move forward; the theatre doors having been opened whilst we'd been talking, 'You coming?'

Unable to put words together, I simply nodded and followed Colin like a sheep to the entrance to the venue, whilst Brian tagged along behind us, looking less than pleased about the whole situation.


Hey everyone,

Sorry about the wait for this chapter, and the fact that it's quite short. I've had hardly any time for Wattpad recently and that's probably going to continue because I'll be starting a new job soon, and I'm falling behind in all my classes so I need to catch up fml. I'm just sick of everything rn, especially school. Luckily tho I'll be leaving in a month or two so that'll be one less thing making me miserable. Anyway, enough complaining about my life. If you liked this chapter, please vote/comment on it and I'll so you all whenever I get time to post the next part.

Thank you

- Anna x

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