Voldemort & Harry

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They shot spell after spell at each other. Voldemort all non verbal, his face was a blank expression as he tried to make one of his curses work. But each time, just in time, Harry deflected them. He saw Harry's face in full concentration, his brows furrowed, the scar on his forehead between the curls of his hair just showing through. He noticed Harry was getting more and more confident, holding off Voldemort's curses.

This was taking too long, Voldemort thought.

'All right Potter, don't get your head inflated with holding off a few of my curses. Let's see how you deal with a little bit of pain.'

Harry's eyes widened, he knew what was coming. And before he could prepare himself, Voldemort shouted 'Crucio!', the first incantation he had said that evening.

Harry fell down on the floor instantly. His wand fell out of his hand and rolled a few inches away. He felt his body burning, every muscle felt strained and as if pinched by needles. His head was overwhelmed by pain, every other time his scar had hurt was nothing compared to this. His body twitched inconsistently, hoping that another position would make it less hurt, but it didn't. He screamed out in pain, wincing heavily every time Voldemort started over with the spell.

At last, Voldemort released the curse.

Harry said nothing and lay in his own sweat, panting heavily. He didn't look up to Voldemort, didn't want to show a weak and pleading face and see that evil grin on Voldemort's face show up. He steadied himself, and turned his head up, staring into the red eyes.

'So, you're going to torture me now until I beg for you to kill me?' He said slowly.

'Exactly, Potter.' Voldemort stroked his wand, smiling slightly.

'You must have a lot of free time', Harry replied, and rolled onto his back. He knew saying this would make Voldemort angry and that was solely why he did it. He was still recovering from the last curse and every body part felt sore, but he knew it was coming soon again, having challenged Voldemort. He couldn't see his face, but he knew it would be enraged. Harry closed his eyes, trying to steady himself before the curse would hit again.

'You're just like your parents. Brave, but.. stupid', Voldemort sneered.

Harry looked up at him and tried to stand up. He was surprised Voldemort hadn't immediately cursed him when he had insulted him. He took a heavy sigh and winced with pain as he stood up and faced Voldemort yet again, wand in his hand again.

'Yes, stupid, Potter', Voldemort spat. 'Your father tried to face me without a wand, and your mother - a mudblood - stood in between me and you to try and save you.'

'Well, it worked.'

Voldemort tilted his head a bit sideways, looking at Harry curiously. He was taken aback by the sudden confidence and remarks.

'Aren't you afraid to die, Potter? You lay screaming and dying at my feet, just there.'
Harry tried to straighten his back, but it hurt too much. 'Well, if you really wanted to kill me there, you would have done it by now. So what are you waiting for?' He put up his wand and pointed it at Voldemort.

Voldemort laughed coldly. 'What are you going to do, use expelliarmus on me?'

'There must a reason why you haven't put an end to it. We're alone. Nobody's coming to rescue me. Surely hurting me is less satisfying than killing me.'

To Harry's contentment, he saw a flash of uncertainty on Voldemort's face. He was right.

'You're waiting for your Death Eater servants, aren't you?'

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