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Today i woke up feeling much better after i let everything out but I'm still woory about Minwo, but since she is with Yoongi I just let it be and went to work because I've been close for a week now so i decided to go to the cafe and open up.
When i went to the cafe there was a few people waiting.
Y/n) "ah I'm sorry i had to deal with some family stuff."
???) "it's okay"
???) "family comes first"
Y/n) "ah yea they do um here let me open for you guys"
I opened the doors and let the people in and then i started cooking things and putting cakes and donuts onto the shelf.
Y/n) "here is your stuff have a great day!"
Y/n) "here is your coffee"
Y/n) "here is what you order!"
Minwo) "EOMMA!😁"
Y/n) "Minwo? What are you doing here shouldn't you be with Yoongi?"
Minwo) "EOMMA!"
Y/n) "don't call me that"
Minwo) "but your the one that love me?"
Y/n) "i know that but now you have a new Eomma"
Minwo) "who?"
Y/n) "Kara"
Minwo) "oh you mean Auntie Kara?"
Y/n) "yes her she is going to be your new eo-"
Yoongi) "wrong"
Y/n) "what?"
Yoongi) "i broke yo with her like two days ago"
Y/n) "why!?"
Yoongi) "well Minwo told me a little secret that you been hiding from me"
Y/n) "Minwo? What did you tell him?"
Minwo) "Appa you should tell Eomma!"
Y/n) "A-a-appa?"
Yoongi) "Hmm maybe you already figured it out...why didnyou keep it away from me?"
Y/n) "I didn't tell you because you were with Kara and if i told you, you wouldn't care!"
???) "um excuse me?"
Y/n) "Yes?"
???) "um coffeee?"
Y/n) "ah okay hold on"
I gave the girl coffee and when she left i closed the door and locked it then went to close all the windows
Y/n) "Minwo is MY child not yours!"
Yoongi) "she is OUR child!"
Minwo) "Eomma....i told Appa that you cry..."
Y/n) "what..... you told him.."
Yoongi) "you really miss me that much"
Y/n) "yes i missed you that much i loved you but you just threw away my love like that and went to Kara and you even kissed her when you know that we are married you even left me when i first told you to sign the papers, i was hurt but YOU JUST LEFT HAVING A FUCKIN BIG SMILE ON YOUR STUPID FACE WHILE I CRY EVERYNIGHT
AND EVEN STARVE MYSELF TO DEATH BECAUSE I...because i still love you.."
Minwo) "Eomma dont fight.."
Y/n) "Minwo, he is your Appa but Appa doesn't love me"
Minwo) "why?"
Y/n) "because Appa was in love with Aunt Kara"
Minwo) "but thats okay right? You guys can get married again! And be happy! And love eachother and me like a Real family!"
Yoongi) "real family?"
Minwo) "yea!"
Y/n) "Appa jus-"
Yoongi) "you know there is a night that i will never forget, you calling me Appa"
Y/n) "YAH how can you still remember that!"
Yoongi) "because i love you and wanted you to remember the time we had fun together"
Y/n) "oh well then um, well this is awkward"
Minwo) "can we be a family now?"
Yoongi) "yes we can!"
Y/n) "um okay?"
I was just overweln that he said that he still love me but shy because he was talking about THE night that we had fun together.
-4years later-
Now that i have remarried Yoongi with Minwo we have been a happy family but the great news is that Kara got married and me and her are like best friends and i had a baby boy and we called him Kyungsoo.

Well here is the end of this story because I don't have alot time to write books but i will try to write more like i have 4 other books im working on and i will published the storys when they have at least 25 chapters but if you want another book of Yoongi comment doen below and tell what kind of story and i might make it and thank you for all the cotes even thi they are small they mean alot to me and with the readers, I LOVE YOU GUYS!😁😭😭😊🤠🦋❣️

Will He......(BTS-SUGA FF) complete (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang