Chapter 25

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Minwo and I went to go to my work place which is my CAFE.
Y/n) "okay Minwo go sit in the back room okay?"
Minwo) "Okay!"
She went to the room, when she left to the room i quickly started putting out some cakes and sweetsand clean off the tables then put up the open sign.
As soon as i open up the doors i saw many students comeing in for a sweet breakfast.
Y/n) "hello what would you like?"
???) "ah i will like a peice of donut and coffee please"
Y/n) "coming right up"
I quickly made what the student needed and gave it to her, later today it was even busier idk why but it was the busyist day of my life at the Cafe and i was self employed so i was exuasted by the end of the day, one more customers i said to my self, just one more.
Y/n) "hello welcome to the CAFE what would you like..."
???) "wow you even work by yourself, no husband to help you?"
Y/n) "what do you me- ... YOU!"
Yoongi) "hello"
Y/n) "Why...why...ugh what would you like"
Yoongi) "How about this bread and a cup of coffee, hurry up because i have to go back to work"
Minwo) "Eomma.....I'm tire...."
Y/n) "ah okay if your tire just go sleep in the backro sweetie"
Minwo) "Eomma, isn't he Appa?"
Yoongi) "Appa?"
Yoongi looked confused
Y/n) "No of course not! Appa is at work"
Minwo) "but..."
Y/n) "Minwo-ah he's not your Appa, he just looks like Appa......."
Minwo) "oh okay!"
With that she left to go sleep at the back room...
I quickly made Yoongi's coffee and took it to him with the bread.
Yoongi) "Appa? Me? Haha wow your husband must be handsome then"
Y/n) "of course he is he is handsomer then he was before!"
Yoongi) "okay okay who is this husband of yours?"
Y/n) "yah we got divorced okay you don't need to know that about me!"
Yoongi) "okay fine imma go here is your money"
He gave me his money but it was five dollor short, wow so i just let it be and put in the cashier.
Y/n) "Minwo lets go home"
Minwo) "okay!"
Minwo got on my back while i grabbed a few bread and drinks put it in a bag and took it with us. As i was walking home i felt like someone was following us so i turned around to look, it was a car that was following us with it's lights off, so i turned away and quickly started speed walking to the apartment, when i got ther i quickly closed the door and locked it, i put Minwo down and layed him on rhe couch, it's weird that Minwo has been saying that she is really tired and can't breath, she even said that her chest hurts, im scared for her, I'm really scared, when i went backto Minwo, she was gasping for air, i was worried so i quickly ranned to her
Y/n) "MINWO"
Minwo) "Eomma I can't breath"
Y/n) "Minwo"
I quickly called the ambulance as soon as they arrived they took her and i went with her, they were doing all kind of things. When we reached the hospital they quickly rushed her in the emergency room and is doing alot of stuff but i was stuck in the waiting room....
Mrs.Min) "Y/n?"
Y/n) "Uh Mrs.Min?"
Mrs.Min) "what are you doing here?!?!"
Y/n) "My daughter is having difficulty breathing i was scared so i took her here, what about you?"
Mrs.Min) "oh your daughter, so you are remarried?"
Y/n) "ah no of course not"
Mrs.Min) "then how"
Y/n) "it's um...... just don't tell Yoongi....."
Mrs.Min) "what so i was a grandma this whole 5 years?"
Y/n) "yes"
Mrs.Min) "OmO well i came for a check up sweetie so please don't feel to stress and deprsses ok"
Y/n) "okay"

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