Chapter 19

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I woke up extra early today because I needed to go and prepare for school because we have the dance thing going on today in front of people.
As i walkes out I saw Yoongi and quickly turn away blushing because he was walking around shirtless.
Yoongi) "why you looking away?"
Y/n) "your shirt put it on"
Yoongi) "why? We are marry so no"
Y/n) "ugh fine"
I went to go to the kitchen and made something for the both of us to eat because Yoongi has work and I have school so we are going to go to school,perform,get in the car, and go to the company to work because today is our last day of school.
-at school-
Yoongi and I walked in together and walked straight to the dance room and people just stared because at school im a nerd but when I'm with him inhave more confidence.
-dance/stage room-
Teacher) "okay welcome to the dance class stage show today i hope everybody will enjoy"
Teacher) "here is first group, they are 4minute!"

Teacher) "wow that was stunning but now let see what this next group is gonna have since they have pretty famous people with them today please welcome DIVAZ!"

Teacher) "wow what a competition we
Have so please for now may you please vote on the paper you are holding and put it over there by the table"
-after awhile-
Teacher) "wow we
Were a tied but now we have the results in and the winner is...........DIVAZ!"
J-Hope) "YAY"
Namjoon) "we tried our best"
Jin) "It was because I was handsome"
Yoongi) "congratulations but now we are going to be late so we better hurry"
Chialy) "well I guess thats fine then"
Pachia) "we can go out later"
Melody) "around lunch time"
Chiamee) "yea maybe around lunch time, um can I go with you guys Yoongi"
Yoongi) "Sure"
Y/n) "thats great now we have to tell the teachers that we are gonna leave"
Namjoon) "already did now go before you guys are late"
Chiames) "Bye"
We got in the car and drove off to the company and quickly went to our desks while Yoongi went into his office.
Chiamee) "so anything happen while you two were out on honeymoon"
Y/n) ""
Chiamee) "something happen i bet"
Y/n) "ugh okay something happen but im not telling you"
Chiamee) "ugh fine then"
After after awhile someone i never seen before came
Up to the desk.
???) "Oh hello but can i visit Min Yoongi?"
Chiamee) "ah well um whats your name?"
???) I am Min Somin"
Y/n) "Yoongi there is an women who wants to see
You, her name is Min Somin"
Yoongi) "tell her that I am busy"
Y/n) "um sorry but you have to leave he is busy"
Somin) "ugh how about               Min Y/n?"
Y/n) "ah that would be me"
Somin) "So Chiamee this is      Y/n"
Chiamee) "yes Mrs. Min S."
Mrs. Min S.) "oh well your pretty, i am Yoongi's grandma"
Y/n) "Oh hello"
Mrs. S.) "Can I go in I have to tell him something important"
Chiamee) "oh well he is busy"
Y/n) "Um sure follow me"
I opened
The door and Yoongi looked at me then shift his eyes to his Grandma.
Yoongi) "Oh grandma"
Grandma) "yah you didn't let me in just because you are busy!?!?"
Yoongi) "sorry my head just hurt"
Y/n) "I am going to take my leave now"
Yoongi) "wait!"
Y/n) "yes sir?"
Yoongi) "I have
A meeting at 5pm today with othe companys and we are going to eat out so i want you to come with me"
Y/n) "oh okay then"
I closed the door and quickly went and prepare some papers and collect yearly data.
As I was walking around people were looking at me with a smile exept some other girls but i got this weird feeling so i kinda ignored it an continue bowing with respect to others as i walk pass them.

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