how you met! Vantas

Start from the beginning

"T-Take it off" my voice was way too raspy. I sound weird.

"What did you say Karkat?" Oh, God... Oh Goooooooooooooooood why. I just shake the first aid kit and thank whatever made him understand me.

"Karkat how did you get an aid kit?" The guy thinks I'm Karkat, who is that? Maybe his kid? "I trade.. some.. The item" Oh dear, I am too embarrassed to look at him. Oh is he trying to clean his wounds by himself? Oh jeez. I grab the pain away pills, it's a generic brand. Giving the male two pills. I watch him take the pills and drink the water. I know that he can't see me well, and he thinks I'm his son? Daughter?

"Karkat what did you trade?" He sounds worried. What just happened to me. Why do I feel guilty about this? I'm not really his kid. I just wanted to help him.. To ignore that question I started to clean some of his wounds. I noticed that there not deep, just close proximity to each other. I place Bands-aids on him careful.

I wanted to tell him that I got the first aid kit and the water bottle from the Orphanage sigh-lang gang, the trades for anything are candy, cookies, and money. The water bottle and the kit cost me 4 cookies and 13 bags of M n M caramels, but I don't like to talk.

I tried to make him sleep, but he just lays down and talks. "My son, I sorry for what happened. I promise to get your sweater back...I ... Try.." oh God is he dead!? Oh.. He fell asleep. Maybe it was the pills?

I should leave the first aid kit for him.. And his kids. Well, it might be a good time to leave. I got up and stretch my arms and legs. That felt good. I Walk out of the cave to look around for sun placement of the time, I ended up looking at two sons. Both are Hold what is food and a blanket, I didn't stay long to know what exactly what they have cause I ran off. It seems like the trigger teen is chasing me.. Yelling trigger warnings and something about a bear? I ran till I didn't see the trigger teen. Then I see the goal. The fur-covered Goal, the Beast of the woods! The bear!

Get ready!





I was grabbed by someone. He said" trigger warning blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" the bear took one look at us and ran away. " Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I'll put you down but you need to follow me, Humans as young as you are simply can't be alone or allowed outside at night, it too dangerous you could get blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" it rude to not listen but I can't help it my brain can't register most what he said, then he put me down nicely, and I just stare at him. "Oh, how rude of me, my name is Kankri and what is your name you go by that is okay for me to say without triggering you?"

"It's... (N..Name)" My raspy voice barely said my name correctly." It nice to me you ( Name) I have to inform you that my Triggers include but likely will not be limited to class oppression, culling culture and violence against grubs, lusus abuse, complementary and analogous hate speech, pail filling, slurries and other concupiscent fluids, lifespan shaming, ablest slurs, prolix dissertation blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" I just nod and follow Kankri..

(Karkat Pov)

Kankri ran off after that (Girl/Boy), leaving me alone to bring the food and the Blanket that Mr. Tucker gave us. We told him about what happened to dad and that old man misheard us, But he had a date and left before we could explain that Dad was stabbed not sick.

I poked Dad's face. He moved a bit. Good. He good.. wait why is the sickle not with Dad? Where it? Why is he holding a candy bar? How did that first aid kit get here? Oh God, how did I not notice that Dad was patch up!?

I took my sweater off, which I tried to put back on, then I heard Kankri. Once We had a problem with bears but Kankri scary them all away.

" (Name) that includes all of my Triggers, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to tell me. If you can tell me your triggers or if you have don't know any I can list trigger words t-" I had to stop this


" Karkat I find it very triggering"

(Your Pov)

Okay, let me try to get my voice out.


I see that Kankri froze and... Karkat staring at me. I hope their Dad wakes up soon.

"My... Talking..."

Oh, thank God that I see the Father is waking up.

"Karkat... Kankri..... and a...little (Girl/Boy)?.."

Both sons looked at their dad and were filled with joy. I was too and then Kankri spoke "this is (Name) she/he is Triggered by... Themselves talking, And was the one who was in here when we left for Mr. Tucker's".

Karkat seems to be hugging his father, Kankri sits close to them and I'm standing, staring at them. The Father waved me to come over there. I slowly walked to them and the second I was close I was invited to a warm hug.

For some reason, I want to be in this family.

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