if the end was truly near / ethan

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1252 words
Since y/n and Ethan were 6 years old, they’ve always been best friends. Everything one person did, the other had to do it with them. 

“C’mon, y/n! Just duck your head in and hold onto your legs when you flip!” Ethan had just finished learning to do a backflip and was now trying to get his friend to do it. “Ethan! It isn’t as easy as it looks!” You yelled and threw your arms down in defeat, causing Ethan to walk up close to you and tell you that you could do it. 

Ethan was always the one you’d go to for everything. He was always the one you could truly count on to be there. 

You stood on the front porch you were so familiar with and knocked on the door three times. The door opened and there stood the woman that had taken on as your second mother. “Y/n, sweetie. Come in. Are you okay? Ethan’s upstairs.” Lisa had moved out of the way to let you in and lightly set her hand on your shoulder before hugging you. Your tears began falling quicker and quicker and Lisa let go. You explained how your boyfriend at the time, Chase, had just broken up with you. Lisa consoled you and then you ran upstairs to Ethan’s room to see him sleeping soundly. You sighed and sat at the foot of his bed, putting your head into your hands. The sound of Ethan yawning and the bed moving caused you to look up from your hands. “Y/n? Are you okay?” You turned to look at Ethan who was now sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. “Chase, he uh, he broke up with me.” Your long term boyfriend, whom Ethan never really liked, but put up with, had just broken up with you and Ethan was the first person you decided to tell. “Oh, y/n. C'mere.” Ethan wasn’t sure what to say, the concept of girls getting heartbroken was new to him. The hug comforted you though, for as long as you needed.

And Ethan would always be your number one supporter throughout everything.

“THAT WAS NOT A FOUL. HEY, DIPSH-” Ethan had been watching your softball game with his entire family as well as your own. It was state nationals and Ethan was not going to miss out on the biggest night of your life, or so you said. “Ethan Grant Dolan! Language!” Lisa scolded him and Grayson sat and laughed at Ethan who’s face was now red. “Sorry, ma. But you and I both know y/n should’ve been able to run.” Ethan complained about the ref and threw his arms down in defeat. “I know, hun. But the ref called it and you don’t want to embarrass y/n.”

And in the end, Ethan was yours and you were Ethans. No matter what.

The two of you were best friends throughout everything. Most people expect you two to be in a relationship, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Being best friends with the same person for that long might seem exhausting, but to be honest, the two could never get tired of eachother. The constant bickering, the constant arguing, would never amount to the constant love the two continued to give to eachother.

“Y/n! Change the tv to channel 34!” Ethan had just gotten snacks and jumped over the couch to sit by you. You groaned and pushed the buttons 3 and 4 on the remote.

“Ethan, first of all, no need to yell, second of all, spongebob? Really? And lastly, you just sat on the clicker.” You pushed Ethan over and pulled the small black remote out from underneath him. He laughed and then sighed before saying, “Stop with your weird lingo. It’s a remote.”

You pushed him again and giggled before jumping off of the couch and walking up to the bathroom.

It was Saturday night and you and Ethan had been at your house staying together. Your parents have known Ethan and his family for years and years, so it hadn’t bothered them at all when you asked if Ethan could stay.

You walked back downstairs and peaked over Ethan’s shoulder to see who he’d been talking to. “This is a no phone zone mister grant.” You grabbed his phone out of his hand and ran with it quickly, trying to get away from Ethan before he caught up to you. Eventually you felt his hands grab onto you and spin you around. He laughed in victory and grabbed his phone before running back downstairs with it. You chased after him and sat next to him on the couch. “How about we play a game?”

“Like what? A board game?” Ethan slid off the couch and opened up the cupboard that held the many board games you owned. Ethan pulled out Uno and then Skip-Bo. You pointed at the skipbo and then jumped onto the floor next to him. You pulled the blanket you were cuddled with and wrapped it around your shoulders. Ethan began shuffling the cards and then dealing them. 

Ethan now had one card left and you had two. His being a 5 and your top card being a 3. It was your turn and you lied down a two on top of a one, and then your top card which was a 3, a four, and then a wild so you could prevent Ethan from winning. You flipped over the last card in your pile and looked at the other 3 piles to see if you could lie it down and unfortunately you couldn’t. 

In the end, Ethan had won. You sighed and then laughed before asking him, “Ethan, if the world was going to end in approximately 24 hours, what would you do?” 

Ethan shifted himself and then responded, “That’s odd. Don’t tell me your planning on ending the world.” You laughed, “No, I’m just curious. What would you do?” 

“I’d probably tell my family how much I love them, and my friends, especially you. And then I’d eat, a lot probably.” 

You laughed and nodded at Ethan’s response and then began telling him what you would do. Some of it boring him, but some of it really intriguing him. 

“And then I’d tell my cat how much I love her. Because I really do love her. Right kitty kitty, I loveeee youuuu.” You began making kissy faces at the cat and then looked back at Ethan. You giggled and then continued talking. 

“Y/n. You know what else I’d do. I’d stab you with a spork. But I still love you.” 

You groaned and threw one of the couch pillows at him. He caught it and threw it back and then you said, “Ethan. There’s one last thing I’d do.” 

Your chest puffed out and then went back in as you breathed heavily. “Y/n? Why are you nervous? You’re nervous.” Ethan put his hand on your shoulder and you sighed, taking one last deep breath. 

You put your two small hands on his face, feeling his scruff that he hadn’t shaved for a few days. You leaned in and kissed him softly before quickly looking away. 

You felt Ethan put a hand on your face and pull it back so you would look at him. He gently rubbed your lip with his thumb and then kissed you again before pulling away. “I’m so glad you did that, y/n.” 

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