cheer / grayson

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warnings? some slight douchey gray

Word Count: 2077 


Being the captain of the cheer team on top of being in National Honors Society, Track, and being in the accelerated classes was a pain in your ass. You hardly ever had time to yourself, so when you did it was important that you were relaxed. Being around the idiotic people that went to your school as well as a few of the staff members really gave you migraines. The stress on your physical body, as well as your mental body, was on such a limb it was hard to stay relaxed even when the time was given to you. 

It was an early Friday morning and you had woken up 15 minutes later than usual. You had to get up quickly and find all of your cheer gear. The large black duffel bag that held your stuff was emptied onto the floor, so you scurried around and shoved everything in it. Your skirt was across your room on the other side of your bed, your pompom on your spinny desk chair, and your hair ribbons up on top of your desk. The rest of your stuff had also been scattered across the room, making it that much harder to get ready. 

You set the now zipped duffel bag on the ground and put on the outfit you had chosen the night before. You put your hair in a tight and high ponytail with a black scrunchie. 

You didn’t have much time to eat anything, so you settled for a granola bar and ran out the door to your small black car. The ride to school seemingly took a longer amount of time compared to other days. Which had been surprising to you, as you had been driving slightly over the speed limit in a rush to get to school as quickly as possible. You had to get to your locker as quickly as possible and set your duffel bag in the office. 

You got to the large building you called school and parked your car. You took your school bag and your duffel bag and walked into the school through the large glass doors, immediately heading to the office. 

“Good morning, y/n. Putting your bag in the back corner again?” 

The little old lady that ran the office, Mrs. Goldmann, was so sweet to you and always allowed you to keep your bag in the office due to the fact it was too big to fit in your small locker.

“Good morning  Mrs. Goldmann. Yeah, we have a big game today. Anyway, I’m running a bit late so I gotta get going. Have a good day!” You say, pushing the door open and heading out of the office. 

You walked across the school to your locker, the people in the school also scurrying around and finding their lockers, others hanging around and talking, and a few just now getting in, just like you had. 

The walk to your locker took a longer amount of time than anticipated. It felt like everyone’s voices were so much louder and everyone was so cramped into you. 

“Hey y/n. Ready for the big game tonight?” Your best friend, y/bf/n was also a member of the cheer team. You and her joined your freshman year of high school and have loved it ever since. 

“Not really. I woke up late and I have a major migraine. And with this dumbass standing at my locker every day,” You pointed towards your locker where the one and only Grayson Dolan, captain of the football team, stood. “I’m not in the happiest of moods.” 

Grayson Dolan still stood right in front of your locker, leaning his shoulder against it and laughing among his group of friends. He was such a pretentious asshole and if you hadn’t had such a big headache, you would’ve probably yelled at him to move. 

“Dolan, move.” You walked up to him and held your arms together, waiting for some sort of snarky response out of him. 

There were no snarky remarks or evil glances. He moved out of your way quickly and continued to talk to his friends. The bell that signaled you had 5 minutes left until first hour started had just rung and Grayson’s friends had walked passed you while Grayson himself had hung around for a minute longer. 

dolan twins imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora