I stand up then Kol gets up and looks down at me before quickly pecking my lips, Rebekah smartly remarks "yes, please go. this house has enough men rolling around in it." she says frowning "yeah like I'm a man" I say rolling my eyes before Kol defends me saying "Just like you, Bekah" she tries to throw her shoe at us "good riddance, both of you" but we run out of the house before it can hit us.

We all decide on going to the grill because no one could decide on where else to go, as soon as we walk on I listen on this couple's conversation

"maybe you were compelled to forget." the dark-haired woman says

"wait. you think the killer's a... vampire?" he says looking around cautiously

"there are no other suspects." she states confidently "it's the obvious conclusion."

We then walk up beside them as Nik says "Ah, come on now." I roll my eyes at him and say "let's not go blaming the new family in town just 'cause you've got yourselves a killer at large" I say firmly and the man glares at me and I glare back at him, Kol grabs me by the waist and kisses my forehead to calm me down.

Nik glares at the man "Don't mind us." " my brother, his girl, and I are just here to let off some steam. right, Kol?" he asks

Kol stares at the girl too long for my liking "right." he states and I roll my eyes at him and turn away from him as I get some bourbon and chug the bottle not caring about the burn at the back of my throat, Kol looks to me "what's wrong?" I shake my head "nothing's wrong." he sighs "darling, I like to intimidate people so when I was staring at that women it was nothing more than intimidation" I nod understanding

We've been sitting in the same spot all day and it's now night time, my butt is starting to cramp so I had to stand in front of Kol has his arm is around me as I look up I see the girl that Nik took to the ball walk in and I know they are planning something.

Nik notices her "Caroline." she turns to him immediately frowning at him "oh. it's you." Kol and I glare at her "Join us for a drink?" he states and Kol lifts up his glass, she glares at him "don't look at him like that" I say firmly to her, she flinches back before turning back towards Nik "mm, I'd rather die of thirst, but thanks" I give her a slight aneurysm before saying " I can make that happen" she leaves quickly and I look to see Nik glaring at me and I shrug "I'm bored I need to kill someone" Kol nods agreeing with me.

He then smirks "isn't she stunning?" I frown and say "not in the slightest."

Kol smirks at me before saying "she certainly looks good walking away from you" he chuckles and Nik frowns at Kol "I'll take that as a challenge." he states before following Caroline I look at Kol "they're planning something ." I state

I activate my mind reading rune with my stele and I look to the man who was sitting next to us earlier and read his mind before finding my answer I smile and look around frantically for Kol and I can't find him when my mate mark starts to glow bright and takes me to where he is.

I see Kol laying on the ground and I see the man who I now learned his name is Alaric, Stefan, and Damon looking at Kol's body and I snap Stefan's neck with a flick of my wrist same with Alaric I take the dagger out of Kol and I quicken the process with a quick spell.

"don't you ever scare me like that again." Damon tries to snap my neck but I make him cough up blood and I see Nik come down the steps to where we are. Just as Nik was about to attack Damon, Elijah yells "LEAVE HIM!" he comes down the steps slowly "we still need him, Niklaus." Nik looks at Elijah " what did mother do?"Elijah sighs " what did she do, Elijah?" as Stefan finally wakes up Elijah comes down the steps "you tell me where the witches are, or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." he says holding up his phone which I personally think is stupid because if that was me I would snatch it out of his hand and crush it.

F A T E 爱 Kol Mikaelson {SHORT STORY} {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now