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lola's pov*
present time:

i sat with my face resting in my hand as my elbow kept me balanced, miss jewel's words were going through one ear and out the other, my eyes would dart from her to the clock which sat above the white board at the front of the class.

6 minutes left.

i was excited, i could finally talk to grayson again. maybe he would ask me to have pizza with him again... and maybe not with austin this time.

i had completely zoned out the last few minutes so they flew by, i grabbed my books and carried them down to my locker to put them away. in the corner of my eye i noticed grayson, i hurried, shoving my things away and shutting my locker door.

"lola." someone grabbed my wrist, i quickly spun around and pulled my hand back. kelly. it was kelly.

"yes?" i spat, annoyed that not only did she tell me to shut up for stating my opinion, but she stopped me from seeing grayson.

"i just wanted to apologize about what happened yesterday, i was out of line." she awkwardly scratched her arm as she spoke.

"it's fine, i'm over it kelly, i just thought you would've much rather chose family over those assholes." i stated, leaning against my locker.

"i know they're assholes, but they're alright when you get to know them, i just- nevermind." i furrowed my eyebrows in frustration.

"don't hold anything back, the only way things are solved if you speak your mind." i crossed my arms.

"you keep defending grayson, but lola. you don't know the guy, you've been here nearly two weeks... we were here to hear about everything... you don't know anything about this guy."

"kelly, i get the feeling he's kinda in the same boat as me." i muttered, raising an eyebrow.

"why? did you talk to him? what did he say?" she blurted out.

"w-what? i've spoke to him, but nothing about... that. we've got to do an assignment together." i looked over my shoulder, grayson was gone, great.

kelly stood on her toes to look over my head and sighed.

"alright." she spun on her heel and slowly walked down the hallway, i tucked some fallen hair behind my ear and groaned before making my way to the cafeteria.

it was crowded as per usual but i didn't mind, i wasn't planning on staying long. i saw grayson once again standing in the same spot he usually stands. dodging past groups of kids and people with trays of food i made it to him with a smile on my face.

"hey." i grinned, sliding my hands into the back pockets of my jeans.

"hi." grayson was looking everywhere but at me, what is up with him?

"are you okay?" i asked, looking around trying to find whatever he was looking at.

he didn't answer, i was slightly annoyed. how could he just come to my house, kiss me, then completely blow me off next time he sees me.

"did i do something?" i decided not to come off angry.

"what? no way, i'll talk to you tonight." he huffed, walking off, clearly annoyed.

confusion and anger built inside of me as i watched him walk off. the bell rang for next period and a jolt of excitement shot through me, i have english next, there's no way grayson can avoid me there.

i darted down the hallway into class, waiting for grayson to show. 20 minutes of class had passed and he was still nowhere to be seen. where is he?

grayson's pov*

i parked myself down on the leather desk chair and greeted evan.

"grayson? why did you want to reschedule your appointment for earlier? are you doing alright?" he asked, pulling my papers from his desk.

"i-i'm, confused, i guess you could say... i may have done something to hurt someone." my fingers tapped together nervously as i watched evan jot notes onto a piece of paper.

evan is my uncle who also happens to be a therapist, we've grown quite close over the past two years, he's the only one who hasn't lost all hope or respect for me... but i guess that's his job.

he looked at me as to say 'continue talking.' i cleared my throat and began again.

"t-there's this girl, w-who i've just met, and she's gorgeous and sweet and i would love to ask her out. i feel a real connection with her but, by the sounds of it she was treated horribly at her last school and if people knew she was with me, the same thing would happen and i could never put her through that, but i'm afraid i've ruined our friendship." i tried explaining as simple as possible.

"what did you do?" he asked, realizing that i would need more advice and this lesson was more of a uncle-to-nephew talk.

"i kissed her." evan released a loud sigh and sat back in his chair.

"i-its crazy i know, i've only known her for a week but i can't, control myself around her, i-i mean i can but-"

"i understand." he interrupted, placing his hand up as a signal for me to stop talking.

"grayson, it's good to know that you're willing to put your feelings out there again, if i were you, i would talk to her and see where it goes from there... as simple as it sounds." he folded his arms and adjusted his glasses.

i sighed a breath of relief, staring at the grey carpet below me.

i'm glad i have evan to talk to, i know my father won't... he's lost all respect for me and talks to me as if i'm a lost cause, maybe i am... but all i need is someone to support me, i don't know where i'd be without evan.

"what's her name?" he asked intrigued.

"lola pollock." i smiled to myself, looking up at him. his face was straight.

"what?" i asked, suddenly worried.

"uh, nothing." he cleared his throat before standing and continuing.

"be careful with her." he added.

"what? why?the tone in my voice was panicked.

the computer buzzed and he opened the door.

"my next patient is waiting." he told me, holding the door open for me to leave.

what happened to lola?

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the story so far! <3

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