The reason I smiled (Leondre Devries/Bars And Melody fanfic)

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Hi, my name's Bethany-Mae, or Beth for short and this is my story of how I found my smile.

It was a typical Saturday evening in April; we had the whole family in the living room to watch the Britain's got talent auditions, as my sister wanted to do every year. I was snuggled on the sofa with my iPhone in my hand and headphones in my ears trying to drown out the sound of my family. I started to drift off to sleep, before I was violently woken by my Mum shaking me intensely. I took out my headphones and practically yelled: "WHAT?"

"Are you going to be a part of this family tonight Bethany or are you going to mope in the corner of the room all evening, its nice with the whole family gathered around, make the most of it." My mum said arrogantly.

You see things hadn't been the same since my best friend, Becky, moved to Cardiff. She was like my sister, until her parents moved and dragged her with them, they basically broke my heart. I cried for days, after a couple of days we lost contact. I tried to call her everyday but everyday I only spoke to her answerphone. I guess she had just moved on.

"I don't want to be part of this family" I said harshly before shoving my headphones back in my ears. I turned the volume up full. However, I could still hear my family mumbling and moaning over the music. Eventually, the music drowned them out. I logged into my twitter for it to, within 5 minutes, explode. The tweets were immense over the new "amazing" duo consisting of cutest boys in the world. Everyone was commenting on how inspiring they were and how amazing they were. I scrolled through the hashtag 'BarsAndMelody', the comments there were amazing. Suddenly, I could hear my brother yelling and cheering, I slowly turned my head round to the TV to see the boys who had just made twitter explode, I slowly pulled out my headphones and swivelled around on the armchair. I gestured to my brother to rewind the audition. The moment they walked onto the stage I just knew that they were going to be amazing. I watched their VT in awe. Not evening knowing that these two boys, Charlie Lenehan and Leondre Devries, would change my life forever.


A/N I'm sorry If It's kinda crap, I'm not that good at writing. I was inspired by reading another fanfic, so I decided to write one of my own. Thankyou for reading to here tho x

I'll be posting more so hopefully you guys like it? Thankyou! x

Follow me on twitter ~ @lenehansdimples


I've also started writing a Charlie Lenehan book, so if you want to read that it's on my profile, thankyou😘

The reason I smiled | Leondre Devries//Bars And Melody fanficWhere stories live. Discover now