The Wolf Inside Chapter 3

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•••Eva's POV•••

"Sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to cause an accident or anything, I was just in a bad mood and that makes me drive unsafe", I say after pulling my leg away so mine and Chelsea's knee no longer touch. What the hell was that?! This can't possibly go right. I need to get away from her as soon as possible. But something about her doesn't let me leave.

"Oh it's okay", she says quickly having a look in her eyes I can't totally explain. It's like fear, but not. More like she's stunned or something. Her eyes do have something special. Something pure. People usually have at least a little bit of "bad" in their auras, someting you can also sea in their eyes most of the time. Nobody is pure. But in some way I believe she is. I can't know for sure since she's still blocking my ability to "see" her aura.

"Could you help me with my schedule?" I say to break the silence.

"Sure, can I see it?"

I hand her my schedule and our hands touch for less than a second. Again that electric feeling. "You have all classes with me", she says, "unless you made any other friends you can hang with me, if you want to. My friends don't even have lunch with me so I'm on my own during school."

"I feel sorry for being so rude this morning. I didn't expect Americans to be so ... nice", I say without thinking. She laughs about what I said. "No no I don't mean it like that! Oh god I'm pushing the only person who's not afraid of me away already and..." She cuts me off, "Hey, don't worry about it. And you're nice, I understand it must be difficult for you to move to the other side of the world leaving everything behind." I smile at her, "Thanks girl."

"Plus you're not that kind of girly girls walking around this school so I think me and my friends are your best bet", she adds jokingly.

I shrug with a sarcastic look on my face, "Who knows?"

•••Chelsea's POV•••

"So," I say standing up, "let's get to our next class."

I don't know why, but Eva suddenly became really nice to me and I can't explain why I feel like I'm being pulled towards her.

Eva stands up and hooks her arm trough mine, "Let's first go find your friends, I need to meet them."

Oh god, my friends. "Okay," I say, "at your own risk, I'm just warning you."

I find my friends and introduce them to Eva. "Guys, this is Eva. She's new here so be nice to her."

Marnix laughs and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, "Since when do you prefer girls to be your friends?"

"Since I finally met a girl who isn't a total bitch, snob or girly girl", I snap at him, "I'm a girl, please respect my needs for some girl to talk girl stuff with."

Marnix let's go of me, but within a second Adrian grabs my waist, pulls me closer to his chest and looks me in the eyes, "Sweetheart, just admit you're a total lesbian", He strokes my cheek in an attempt to be seductive, "Otherwise you would've dated one of us by now. I mean, look at us. No straight girl can keep her hands of this."

I fake a sexy smile, bite my lip kiss his neck and pull away, "You're right, I'm not into boys."

For some odd reason I see Eva's eyes become big. "I'm into men so we have no problem." I step back and laugh as Eva gives me a high five.

James laughs, "And you're still wondering why you're still single?"

"Guys, we need to get to class", I say, ignoring James' comment.

"It was nice to meet you Eva, take care of little Chelsea for us okay?" Adrian says.

"Oh trust me," she says, "I'll take care of her as if she were my own girlfriend", she winks at the guys before turning around, wrapping her arm around my waist and walking to our next class, leaving them totally confused and stunned.

"You have to give them something to make their imagination work", she says while we enter class laughing at their faces when we left.

Class starts and we sit down. I can't stop thinking about how her arm wrapped around my waist. That wasn't just to joke around a bit. Her touch was too soft and even kind of seductive. This is too weird, I'm not lesbian, I can't be. But what if she is? Or was she just joking. Omg, this year will be different for sure.


I know, I know. My chapters aren't long, but this way I can update more frequently.

Not many people are reading this story. I hope some are.

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