Chapter ten

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Dear Diary and whoever reads this afterwards,

I'm gonna do it. I don't know how but I will. I'm just gonna start driving until I think of something or maybe I'll drive so much I'll decide not to do it anymore. I don't know. We will all know in a couple hours.

I know the biggest question after is going to be "Did she know" since I'm not that far along and the answer is yes, I do know.

Lucas is going to blame himself but it's not his fault. It's no ones fault. I love him. I have since the second I met him. He's a great guy. I know it's gonna hurt him but he's better off without me in the long run.

As for my mom, I think it's going to hurt her the most. That's one reason I don't want to do it. I love her and I don't want to hurt her. I'm sorry mom.

Maya Penelope Hart

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