Chapter seven

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"I know that conversation never happened but I wish it did. It would have been nice to get to know her. Who knows, maybe we could have become friends. So me and Maya had history class together ninth period, the last period of the day and Lucas had study hall. He started hanging out in our history class since our dad is the teacher and he can get away with it." Riley says.

Lucas was the first one to walk into Mr. Matthews ninth period history class.

"Hi dad" Lucas says.

"Hi Lukey" Mr. Matthews says.

"Where can I sit today?" Lucas asks.

Mr. Matthews originally let Lucas pick where we wanted to sit. Of course he chose to sit next to Maya. They talked for about the first ten minutes of the period and Mr. Matthews quickly split them up. Now Lucas gets told where to sit.

"Sit at my desk. I'm not going to need it today" Mr. Matthews says.

Lucas sits at Mr. Matthews desk and about a minute later Maya walks in. She rolls her eyes when she sees him.

"Good afternoon Miss Hart" Lucas says.

"Shut up Lucas" Maya says.

"Hey! That's Mr. Matthews to you" Lucas says.

"Fine. Shut up Mr. Matthews" Maya says and sits in her seat.

"You know one day I'll make Mrs. Matthews" Lucas says.

"Whatever you say" Maya says.

The bells rings and Mr. Matthews starts teaching.

Throughout the period Lucas kept giving Maya flirty looks. Maya didn't mind it too much. She found it amusing and it made the period go by faster for her. Riley didn't like it that much. She found it distracting and disturbing and yelled at Lucas for it when they got home.

Class ended and Lucas and Maya start walking to her locker together.

"What are you doing today?" Maya asks.

"Nothing. Why?" Lucas asks.

"My mom won't be home until six. Want to come over for a couple hours?" Maya asks.

"I'd love to" Lucas says.

"Great. Now drive me home" Maya says. Lucas laughs.

Once they are done at there lockers, which were a little far apart from each other, they both go into Lucas's car.

Lucas drives to Maya's apartment. Nothing that great happened on the car ride there. Maya just sat and played with the radio while Lucas drove.

When they got up to her apartment they went inside and went into Maya's room.

"I can show you all my paintings from last year. They aren't as good as the ones you have been seeing" Maya says.

She sits on the floor near her closet. Lucas sits across from her. She pulled out a couple paintings.

"My favorite ones are on top" Maya says.

She hands Lucas a painting of a seashore. There was a empty beach chair in front of the ocean and some seashells on the sand.

"It's lovely" Lucas says. "But you should have put a person in the chair" He adds.

"There was a person in the chair. Then she got up and went to the bathroom" Maya says.

"Why couldn't she just pee in the water? That would have been a nice add on to the painting" Lucas says.

"Maybe she had to go a number two" Maya says.

"Ok. Fair enough" Lucas says. He knew he was never going to win this little playful argument.

The next picture she showed him was of the Eiffel Tower.

"Have you ever been to France?" Lucas asks Maya.

"No" She says.

"Would you like to?" He asks.

"Maybe after I retire. It's not ones of those top of the bucket list things like most people" Maya says.

"Maybe we can go together" Lucas says.

"Maybe" Maya says.

"It's the city of love, you know" Lucas says.

"I know and I also know we live in the city of horse sized rats" Maya says. Lucas laughs. He loves when she says stupid funny things like that.

She started flipping through the pile she had looking for the perfect one to show to Lucas.

"You know you're pretty confident" Lucas says. Maya nods. "I think it's what I like most about you. Confidence looks good on everyone but I like it the most on you" He says.

"You should be a poet" Maya says and giggles. She was still looking down at the paintings.

"I guess that's what I get for trying to have a deep conversation" Lucas says.

Maya giggles again and puts the painting down. "I love you and I love your deep conversation" She says and plants a little kiss on his lips.

He would have kissed her back but he was pretty surprised by what she just said. She smiles and pulls away.

"You love me?" He questions.

"I do." She says.

"Well I love you more Maya I don't know your middle name Hart" Lucas says.

"I'm gonna regret saying this but it's Penelope" She says.

Lucas tried not to laugh. "Maya Penelope Hart" He repeats with a smile.

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