Wear My Clothes (Jimin x Reader)💜

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Today was a day like any other. The weather was nice, the people weren't bothering you, and the person you wanted to talk to most was blowing up your phone.

Chimmy: Are you free today?
Chimmy: We haven't had a day to hang out in a while.

You: Yeah, I'm free. Just walking around town.

Chimmy: You're going to get kidnapped one day. And I won't be there to save you.

You: You'd probably be the one kidnapping me, dork. 😆

You laughed to yourself as he continued to blow up your messages with random topics. He'd been busy with the rest of the boys so it had been a little time since you two actually talked. You didn't mind.

You missed him. That's it.

Chimmy: Skype me once you're home 🙂
Chimmy: I promise I'll answer this time. Pinky promise!

You: You can't just pinky promise through the phone.

Just as the message was read by him, a hand fell on your shoulder. It spooked you a bit.
Turning, you laugh, "Jimin, you scared me! What're you doing here?"
His dusty blonde hair was hidden under a hat and his eyes were almost closed because of the bright smile on his lips. He just held out his hand, pinky raised at you, "Well... I was sitting in that cafe with Jungkook and Tae, you just happened to walk by. What a coincidence, right?"

You shook your head at him and lightly hit his hat to cover more of his face. This dork...
He waved his pinky in front of your face as he fixed the hat with his other hand, "Pinky promise that we'll Skype tonight."
Sighing, you smile at him and wrap your smaller pinky around his. He always got made fun of for his tiny hands but yours were slightly smaller. You guess it made him feel better knowing someone one year above his age had smaller hands than him.

"So have you eaten yet?" Jimin asked when he let go of your pinky.
You shook your head at him and pouted, you actually don't think you've eat at all. It's almost three in the afternoon and you don't remember breakfast. Fingers dance in front of your face and you look at Jimin, quick with your response, "Actually, I haven't eaten at all."
He made an upset face and grabbed your hand, "Aigoo, Y/N! Well, now you're going to come and eat with us!"
You laughed softly at him, following him to the cafe across the street. He was a few inches taller than you, legs much longer than yours, walk much faster than yours. You tug back on his grip so he'd slow down a bit. "Jimin-ah! Your legs are longer than mine, you can't just speed off with me."
Jimin's cheeks flush a rosy pink, "Oh... Sorry, y/n!" He ducked his head a bit and slowed down, smiling apologetically at you. So cute.

We got to the cafe and the two at their table started waving their arms around. They're such children.
Tae spots Jimin towing you towards them and hits Jungkook on his shoulder. He looks over and both calm down while trying to fix the mess they've created together since Jimin left. You sigh and look at Jimin who is rolling his eyes.
"Children, I swear." He mumbles before we reach the table. "Tae, you were supposed to keep Kookie in check!"
Tae pouted at him and shook his head so his bangs would cover his eyes, "He's a lot stronger than me..."
"Yah!" Jungkook reached over and smacked Tae's shoulder, "You're the one who threw the first sugar cube!"
You laughed at the younger boys, "Aigoo. You children!" They pouted again and both crossed their arms over their chests while sitting back in the chair. Looking at Jimin, you catch his gaze and his cheeks become a rosy color.
He nods at the clean empty seat and you sit down next to Jungkook, Jimin then cleans his seat before sitting next to Taehyung. You catch a small smile from the corner of your eye, and when you blinked it was gone behind Jimin's hat. He was looking at a menu before he handed it to you. "Choose something. I'll pay," he smiles and flicks a piece of hair out of his eye.
Tae and Jungkook both make kissing noises before high-fiving several times and laughing. You felt your cheeks flush from their antics and you cleared your throat while casting them a glare. They both sobered up and said a quiet, "Sorry, Noona."
Jimin chuckled and said to Jungkook in his Busan satoori accent, "Keep him in check or next time you're paying for your own food." It made his voice much deeper and you almost shivered from how serious he was.
Tae looked over at Jimin, "Stop being all scary."
Jimin mocked him in a silly voice but was cut off mid-sentence by a sugar cube bouncing off his nose. "Yah! You-"
You placed your hand on his shoulder while laughing softly and told him what you wanted from the menu, "Jimin-ah, I want ssanghwa tea... Oh, and some dasik." You enjoyed the more bitter taste of ssanghwa tea as you've never really been into sweeter drinks and dasik went really well as a pairing for teas.
Jungkook nodded, "Yeah, look she chose what she wanted."
You flicked his ear, "Don't be rude." Pointing at Tae you tilted your head, "And you too. You both should behave."
They went to complaining about having to behave but when you held up your hand in a stop motion, they quieted down. "Why don't we go order for you? Then Tae and I can go finishing up practice," Jungkook stuck his tongue out at you before jumping up from the table, dragging Tae with him while they both laughed over something secret. Taehyung just waved both his arms as a good-bye, trying not to trip over his feet. Before they got out the door, Jungkook stopped a server and chatted a bit then went back to toting around his hyung.
Jimin sighed, "Those kids are going to kill me."
You laughed and gently brushed the lingering sugar off the bridge of his nose. "It would be bad if those two killed you, in any way." He laughed with you and then bit his lower lip, trying to keep the smile off his face. You're so cute...
He tilted his head at you, "Huh?" Your eyebrows furrowed and it clicked, you had said it out loud.
Oh no...
Jimin fixed his hat and then put his hands under his chin, puckering his lips like he was trying to do aegyo, "You think I'm cute, Y/N?"
You feel heat rise in your cheeks as you frantically shake your head, "Jiminie, I didn't mean it like that." The smirk on his lips telling you that he didn't believe a word you told him just now. You hide your face as much as you can with your hair and silently sip the tea that was placed in front of you.
Jimin chuckles before placing a hand on one of yours, "You know, Y/N, it's okay to think I'm cute. I think I'm cute."
The tea choked you a bit as he said that. You forced out a small laugh, "Yah, I didn't mean it like that." Suddenly feeling more embarrassed with enjoying his touch, you pull away a bit and stare into the cup.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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